
I’m in a depression group that has a lot of incels. I decided to try talking to some one on one and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of them desperately want a connection and the love of another person, they just truly don’t know how to interact in social settings. Many don’t even have male friends because

Thank you! I’m really glad this helps. 

Michelle - I don’t have kids but I catch your articles occasionally and I just wanted to say - especially with this piece - you’re doing a real service to parents everywhere.

Yeah, browser-specific functionality shouldn’t be a thing. I don’t care much about offline email, but I quit using a lot of Google’s stuff including Chrome, and YouTube TV “isn’t compatible” with Firefox. I call bullshit.

You can make a symlink between C:\ and D:\

+11,000 out of 32,000

False. It is great song.

“Your Little Hoodrat Friend” by the Hold Steady is a good song.

You realize that’s the exact defense being used in gay wedding cake case?

His cause of action is a creation of the legislature, and the legislature can take it away. I am pretty sure (nb: I don’t practice in Oregon) that his case would become moot if the legislature added firearms as an exception to those listed in subsection 2 for alcohol and marijuana.

If a Republican candidate was anti-abortion, conservative and in favor of common sense gun control, Republicans voters would still vote for them over the Democrat. The problem is, in primaries, the NRA gives money to pro-gun candidates, tilting the scales in their favor.


Yeah, it’s hard to argue with “BUT YOU KILL BABIES,” and until we can find a way to do that, we’re a little fucked.

-Thank you-. It’s always driven me nuts how people don’t seem to see Sisko as conflicted and struggling, and his log to me felt more like a man in shock trying to just “write things down” and make a little sense of it all without any real intention of keeping it in the long run. What makes it work is that Sisko has

I don’t disagree on any one point. I hated the first two episodes of this series but am slowly having it grow on me. That said, Zach, you spent this nearly-entire article shitting on Discovery, but gave it a B.

Proposal: a daily Deadspin feature on how whoever starts in right field for the Cardinals played that day relative to Giancarlo Stanton.

If they are a current threat, then yes, a therapist would have to report that. However, ethical guidelines state that a therapist is not obligated to report a past murder/crime unless it falls under the mandatory reporting umbrella (ACA, APA, AATA).

Don’t shoot the messenger here, but in Catholicism, it’s called the Seal of Confession, where a priest revealing the contents of a confession, no matter how serious, is considered a grave offense worthy of automatic excommunication.

... also, I grew up in a good Catholic household, so naturally we had a copy of “Madonna della Seggiola”, which is apparently Italian for “Mary and Jesus share a bong”: