
I’m in a depression group that has a lot of incels. I decided to try talking to some one on one and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of them desperately want a connection and the love of another person, they just truly don’t know how to interact in social settings. Many don’t even have male friends because

Sooo.... it’s not entirely clear, are you leaving the site entirely, or just the management part? I followed you here from Topless Robot, so i’d be pretty sad to see you leave. (Although i’d be somewhat mollified if there were some new place i could follow along to =)

Thank you! I’m really glad this helps. 

Michelle - I don’t have kids but I catch your articles occasionally and I just wanted to say - especially with this piece - you’re doing a real service to parents everywhere.

I wasn’t aware of the network interference but I’m not surprised. I also agree Braga doesn’t deserve a lot of the flack for Enterprise. Even Manny Coto, the guy who did nearly save Enterprise, did not have any bad things to say about Braga during a convention years ago. Hence why I’m glad Braga is working on The

Braga honestly got a lot of shit for Enterprise. Once Berman and Bragas backstory to the political infighting at Paramount got out it honestly shed a LOT of light as to why Enterprise happened how it did and how the two of them saved the show from turning into yet another UPN/WB/CW teen drama romp. I mean TPTB at

If only it were a creative change, one where they no longer think Star Trek would be better if it were populated by Game of Throne characters. Where the very commercialization of the show, produced as a marketing gimmick to pay for CBS All Access, shows disdain for the shows themes. Where the characters are actually

Shit. If Kurtzman is their best option, then maybe they ought to see if Brannon Braga’s available.

Artists that support Communist regimes are the lowest of the low. They have no appreciation for how much freedom they have in capitalistic societies.

“...doesn’t mean Marx was wrong”

no...actually READ it.

Billions? Seriously, billions of people?

Agreed. I’ve read the Manifesto several times; always makes me laugh at first, and then cry at how many people ate shit over the past century and a half trying to implement its concepts, most of which run contrary to human nature and basic evolutionary biology.

I felt a deep, incredibly sad irony while I watched socialists protest at the Brandenburg gate in Berlin–they were literally standing on top of markers in the ground where the socialist government of East Germany killed people fleeing communism. I feel the same when I read this article; despite evidence to the

Yeah, browser-specific functionality shouldn’t be a thing. I don’t care much about offline email, but I quit using a lot of Google’s stuff including Chrome, and YouTube TV “isn’t compatible” with Firefox. I call bullshit.

You can make a symlink between C:\ and D:\

It got better, but it did not become good.

+11,000 out of 32,000

False. It is great song.

“Your Little Hoodrat Friend” by the Hold Steady is a good song.