
I think these articles do a good job highlighting why this is might be happing:

Thing is, business owners can already discriminate on the basis of political opinion. “Republican” is not a protected class, so you’re 100% free to start up a business right now that refuses to sell to Republicans.

sure, these are hypothetical, but they’re based on what internet providers have already done even with some regulation. waiting and hoping is a dangerous move if you’re worried about this issue

Yes, and that’s the reason you’re confined to a penal island, btw.

I’m so sorry to inform you, but you just disqualified your country from the mild goodwill you had just earned.

I’m not here to say anything about the merits of your comment, just to marvel at the mind-blowing curtain-lifting your username has given me.

I am happy about this-I am really enjoying the show. I love Star Trek, especially TNG, and I think this has the potential to grow into great science fiction given enough time.

So easy to spot the people who haven’t owned VR :)

A hard fought gain in the War on Christmas

While I get what you’re saying, I think Zack has a very good point here.

For better or worse, Star Trek: Discovery is part of a much larger franchise. And for the show to make constant references to Star Trek’s mythology while simultaneously ignoring or rewriting other parts of that mythology is hardly “seeing what

As a gamer and child of the 90s, I will never, ever understand the streaming thing as anything other than a rather sad indication of how lonely everyone has become.

I tried. I really did. I’ve watched one or two “lets plays” over the years... but mainly for practical reasons - games that didn’t have demos and I was

Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.

Everything about the spore drive and the portrayal of the Klingons, from their ships to their look, is just terrible. This show is taxing to watch as a Star Trek fan. It sure feels like the people who are making it really, really hate Star Trek and its philosophy.

cereal is soup

Just to be a pedant, federalism is about the distribution of powers between individual states and the federal government, not the distribution of power between branches of the federal government.

“Embrace federalism.”

I’d encourage you to read at least

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

Any woman who votes against Marsha Blackburn votes against their own voice in a way.