
I am unsurprised to learn that Ensign Brad Boimler of the Starship Cerritos is uncomfortable with orgasm.

We want these things. They seem good.

Assuming the MN-DFL primary works the same way as the MN-GOP primary, Ms. Quade is free to go ahead and take this to a primary if she has the signatures and chooses to do so.

As a parent, this is correct.

People were really hard on them for recycling the same ideas over and over again, for failing to modernize the Star Trek formula for the era of serial storytelling...

A ring of corrupt NYC cops who do murders and sell drugs with their allies in the Russian mob.

The exact quote and “site:” queries—and the fact that Bing doesn’t have them—are THE thing keeping me using Google.

That was one option. But I don’t to start laying down symlinks just because the Almighty Google won’t give users even this basic degree of control over its browser. So I changed browsers instead.

A major feature supported by only one browser — the browser that happens to be owned by the same company?

This same author JUST wrote an article about race problems with Shogun World two weeks ago, which was — what’s the phrase? — “rightfully criticized.” I don’t think one can go to the same well twice in such a short time:

You can defensibly claim any episode from Series 9 as the best Capaldi episode. It was tough to recover from his awful inaugural year, but “The Zygon Invasion / Inversion” made a strong case for him being a decent Doctor after all. (“Heaven Sent” is my favorite, though. I don’t believe I’ve ever had my mind quite that

Where we’re going, we don’t need kerns!

Ignoring the Romulans wouldn’t be hard. They were important to the Dominion War arc as “the other major power in the quadrant that isn’t working with the Dominion,” and TNG used them as generic baddies the way TOS used the Klingons.

Late to this thread but I’m a Christian wingnut and GOODNESS GRACIOUS would I love a movie based on “Your Little Hoodrat Friend.”

We really should reform copyright’s fair use law. You’re absolutely right that fair use doesn’t cover non-profit uses... but holy cow wouldn’t everything be easier for everyone if it did? Wouldn’t it be nice if the law provided a few clear guidelines so that fair use wasn’t a wild, utterly unreliable guessing game

No, you’re good. This didn’t make any sense, but at a certain point you needed to just accept it for the rest of the season to work.

I’m going to have to go the other way on this: Discovery’s first season was the worst in the franchise.

Yeah, one of the key problems with Discovery’s early running is that the central fact of its central characters’ life doesn’t make any sense.

It was the Ceti Eels. I did the same double-take, but the bluegills from TNG look a bit different.

Discovery missed the 50th by a year. (It was in 2016.)