
Overturn Brand X v. NCTA and it’s over. We win.

Um... DACA? The Medicaid expansion? Passing lawsuit-bait policies isn’t exactly limited to the GOP.

We already know that Gorsuch is a vote to protect net neutrality — he made his name on the lower courts by his strong opposition to Brand X v. NCTA, the original case that left net neutrality vulnerable in 2005.

You forget that Breyer voted *against* net neutrality in Brand X v. NCTA. It was a narrow concurrence, but still.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 *requires* the FCC to regulate “telecommunications services” under Title II, which brings net neutrality with it.

The Eastern Church celebrates Epiphany rather than Christmas. Doesn’t quite get you the end-of-January date you’re looking for, but it’s substantial progress.

Imgur has developed its own community, separate from Reddit and very defensive about being called a reddit auxiliary.

I’m sorry; where does it say in your state or federal constitution that the government has a responsibility “to protect its citizens from themselves”?

Likely just the White House would/will be enough. There are plenty of hills the GOP will want to die on in a Kamala Harris administration; FCC appointees are not one of them.

It’s a kind of scrapbook used by Scientologists.

“As we all know George is very well known for his socially progressive views. It wouldn’t surprise me if conservatives used this oppurtunity to falsely accuse a high profile liberal, and a gay man at that.”

The obvious thing to do here is make The Silmarillion, a prepackaged anthology show that affords enormous creative freedom for individual episodes while still having an astonishingly well-woven overarching plot.

Honestly, it’s been pretty steady. Climbing out of the canyon that was the pilot, it appears to be on a good par.

Calling The Orville “choppy” and “inadvisable”? Tough but fair.

People wanted cheaper flights.

It needs 60 votes to get out of the Senate, so, if it even GETS to Susan Collins, it means the likes of Tammy Baldwin and Sherrod Brown already support it. And they won’t, so this bill is dead before it’s even written. Killed before it was born, you might say. There’s probably a word for that...

Maybe ya’ll should put the right to an abortion in the Constitution expressly, through the democratic process, like they did with the right to bear arms. “Finding” a right to abortion in the armpit of a “penumbra” Justice Douglas imagined into being, in *contravention* of the express democratic wishes of nearly every

I think it’s somebody’s R-rated simm.

The only thing that can save me from my desolation over this episode would be a guest appearance in this comment thread by Rappin’ Jake Sisko.

Pretty sure there’s a middle ground between “caring about it once every four years” and “worrying about it every waking moment of the multifaceted nightmare that is 2017 America.”