
I am one of the people who would actually prefer that outcome to the alternative, so I wish you were right. But I don’t think you’re right. It’s been a while since Democrats swept a midterm, but only because a Democrat has been in the White House for all midterms in the past decade — and midterms punish the party in

Uh, I’ll have to ask you to cite an authoritative source for that, because the big list of canon sources in the StarTrek.com database lists both Enterprise and the “Kelvin timeline,” the new edition of the official <em>Star Trek Encyclopedia</em> includes both (but, pointedly, NOT the Animated Series), Memory Alpha

Like what? You can’t impeach a guy for being belligerent. And you can’t 25th Amendment him for being a nincompoop.

Thing about canon is, you don’t get to vote on it. CBS-P says ENT is canon; it’s canon. (Good. I adored Enterprise.) CBS-P says the JJVerse is canon; it’s canon. (Unfortunate. The JJVerse is pretty bad.) CBS-P says Discovery is canon; it’s canon. (Jury is still out on this one. I’m not liking this so far, but it could

I always thought it was because her first role was as Wesley Crusher’s girlfriend, and so it was hate-by-association. (Even though she was actually fantastic in that episode.)

These are the same arguments the NRA uses to oppose any kind of gun control. Since they are bad arguments there, I tend to think they are bad arguments here as well.

“Don’t wrap your entire life around one piece of culture, until your identity is indistinguishable from it. Think twice before making the characters your avatar and screenname, or comparing absolutely everything to this one piece of culture. Love it, recommend it, point out all the ways it’s excellent, but don’t let

I really did not enjoy the Orville’s premiere, despite wanting to, but I will note that the ratings were fantastic.

At the Supreme Court level, stays and other procedural rulings are normally per curiam. It would be unusual to see a dissent on this. It would be particularly unusual to see an opinion attached to the dissent. It would be EXTREMELY unusual to see a concurring opinion responding to it.

What? No! What? What??

Could we... not? Trump is a misogynist guilty of sexual violence (by his own admission!), and I’m no fan of DeVos, either, but the Obama directives seriously eroded the basic due process rights for people accused of rape... and, as Emily Yoffe recently showed, for rape victims themselves as well. They aren’t helping.

My wife is a big A.V. Club fan, and told me that I should go find someone named “Rappin’ Jake Sisko” now that you have all moved over here. Where might I find “Rappin’ Jake Sisko”’s treasured comments in your new layout?

No, no, this is legit. I was frosty about the “God” thing — and am delighted to hear it was out-of-context — but Kristin Beyer has written some pretty decent sci-fi novels in the <i>Voyager</i> universe, in an era where I have all but given up on <i>Star Trek</i> novels generally (because most of them are just...

Ms. Beyer was a great improvement on Ms. Christie Golden’s work on the Voyager relaunch, but her dialogue is nothing to write home about.

MCCOY: God’s sakes! What is it? -Star Trek II

You must be from an adjacent quantum reality, then. Trekkies traditionally fear and loathe all change in the franchise before it happens. A show must prove itself to be redeemed.

These violent delights have violent ends.

Friggin’ finally.

Really want to blow your mind? Adventure 2 was released before the 9/11 attacks. There was less time — MUCH less time — between Adventure 2 and the beginning of the franchise than there is between Adventure 2 and today.

I think if you’re the villain in the marriage, and you know that, you should *never* be the one who says, “Let’s get a divorce.” Because what if the other party really doesn’t want a divorce? What if you’ve just blown up the last good thing she had, the thing that was her rock despite all the suck? And what about the