
I don’t think this is a very good way of understanding religious belief or “faith.” I know you didn’t originate this idea, and, indeed, an awful lot of people who profess religion deploy “faith” as an excuse to avoid justifying their beliefs... but when the Catholic Church calls “faith” a virtue, it isn’t saying that

So you also boycotted Bioshock, then?

“That’s how we can become just like the right we demonize.” 

Nice work! I once spent two weeks locked in a room with the NSFG parsing its statistics on contraceptive use, so I got familiar with some of these statistics just by proximity— and I know what a bear it can be to comb through them. (That codebook!)

Do you really think we wouldn’t be in the same place, impeachment-wise, if Clinton were in office instead? I sure do.

This worked for Pope Benedict IX.

“the gospels always portrayed Jesus as being not a fan of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, religious purist types.” 

The Marist poll is nevertheless one of the most highly-regarded in the country. It’s in the Top 10 in Nate Silver’s pollster database.

The over/under is about 100%. For any given large-scale measure pushed by either party, you WILL be able to find a hypocrite and/or idiot in the House backbench who WILL reveal that all his flowery rhetoric, no matter how lengthy and elaborate and sincere-sounding, was really a smokescreen for him to impose his

It was ruled constitutional to charge him separately *because there were distinct factual elements to be proved*. For the first charge, they had to prove that the morphine sold was not in its original stamped package; for the second, they had to prove that the morphine was sold to an unauthorized person. Those are

As I understand the standard set by Blockburger v. United States, that wouldn’t work with these two charges; it would be double jeopardy, which is unconstitutional. I may be mistaken—IANAL—but I have a hard time seeing how first-degree assault and third-degree attempted murder would involve “proof of a different

“Exactly what is it about pulling out a gun, pointing it at people, and pulling the trigger that makes proving attempted murder so difficult?

Attempted murder *is* a thing, but, in this case, it would have been both (a) harder to prove, and (b) carried a lesser sentence. (Max sentence for first-degree assault in Minnesota: 20 years. Max sentence for third-degree attempted murder: 13 years.)

@sk04: Check MN Statutes 609.17, and you will find what you seek.

He’ll be fine. His power isn’t in his beliefs. His power is in the way he causes a certain class of people to try to shut him down. The Far Right only cares about Milo insofar as the Far Left reacts to him. Thus, his beliefs don’t matter at all — only the Left’s reaction to him expressing them.

Would you be any happier to learn it was a bipartisan bill that passed the Senate with 80 votes?

The first? I think you’re forgetting Justice Robert Grier, among others.

“The Senate is supposed to be where you find the professionals, the ones who know and like people on the other side of the aisle, the ones who moderate the whack jobs over in the House. It isn’t supposed to be hyper political and now it is and that really sucks.”

So, what, which of these do we dislike? College, or heaven? Both sound like a pretty good plan to me!

“What are the next steps here?”