Having just finished The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — which, in so many respects, is a triumphant update of THE Spider-Man 2, ten years later — I couldn’t put my finger on why I was nevertheless left unsatisfied.
Having just finished The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — which, in so many respects, is a triumphant update of THE Spider-Man 2, ten years later — I couldn’t put my finger on why I was nevertheless left unsatisfied.
>Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has, as the Washington Post puts it, “suspended his committee’s rules”—what?—and advanced both nominees anyway.
“This has been the subtext of Supreme Court politics ever since the 5-4 split in Bush v. Gore”
“But the indefinite ban, in my view, is far more ripe for legal challenge.”
My mother wrote an article about preborn women’s rights back in the late ‘80s, so I don’t think it’s nearly as new as you think. May have just been pulled to the forefront by this particular march.
Well, hang on, ranking states by raw GDP will basically just get you a ranking of states by population. You’ve got to screen that out by looking at GDP per capita, which yields a surprising list:
Is there / can there be a “recent updates” section in this article? I bookmarked it when published and regularly go back to it, but am never sure whether there’s new stuff or where it is.
Does this mean we can finally get Ashley Feinberg’s proposed review of the book?
“O’Connor thinks that transgender people shouldn’t be protected while in medical care so that people who practice aspects of their religion like total assholes can continue to do so.”
“I wonder, though - could a doctor get around the ‘health of the mother’ thing by claiming it adversely affects her mental health?”
That is why the electoral college exists, but plenty of states — more than half, I believe — have created laws that attempt to attach civil and criminal penalties to electors voting their conscience during the past century. These laws are pretty clearly unconstitutional (hence this lawsuit!), but they’re still on the…
“I would be just fine with us violating the constitution and appointing HRC (or Obama for another term). I just don’t care anymore this shit is terrifying.”
...except in 2014 and 2016, when Nate Silver was more accurate. Particularly this year, when Silver was HUGELY more accurate, by a factor of more than 30x.
Nate Silver is not “afraid of being wrong,” for goodness’s sake. Nate Silver has an election model. He feeds it all the polls, and the model spits out probabilities.
I’m going to hire a SuperPAC to run ads on behalf of sticking to sports to make sure sticking to sports wins.
Relevant footnote: the ABC News poll was conducted before the email story broke. It doesn’t have anything to do with this story. We won’t know until Monday — at the earliest — how this story is impacting the polls.
“A lot of people prefer the sequel, Rebel Strike”
I doubt it. We’ve mostly given up. The core arguments in Obergefell apply equally to polygamists, and we lost Obergefell decisively. We know now that Roe will be overturned before Obergefell. (And Roe ain’t getting overturned anytime soon, folks.)
If this is what we can expect under the New Regime, I for one welcome our new Univision overlords.
The fact that Trump was as successful as he was means America was already broken. Trump merely exploited a deep division that most of us, save Charles Murray, hadn’t really recognized yet.