
Oddly, my experience is the opposite. I live in a pretty blue part of a pretty blue state, but I know quite a number of women who are very upset about the whole thing, boycotting Target, and so on and so forth. I know some men who are opposed, but none who feel so strongly about it.

This explanation was better than the article.

Aight, I read the first hundred replies. It’s hearsay.

His name...

Pfft. Merrick Garland would vote to overturn this ruling about six days after Hell freezes over. His “moderate” record is media hype.

Windows 7 is really the best operating system I’ve ever used. Why iterate any further, Microsoft? Why not just stop there? You won. It’s done. You solved desktop personal computing.

(Am I the only one who thinks this sounds kind of great?)

Ya’ll know he’s talking about Molenbeek, right?

He’s lying about New York. No way the Cruz campaign wins New York, in any ‘verse, and he knows that. Connecticut is not impossible in a head-to-head.

*Any* increase in voting access? Should ten-year-olds vote?

I thought the indictment was federal?

This is basically what happened when Justice Henry Baldwin died. Senate Whigs stalled President Tyler’s nominations all year in hopes of winning the White House from centrist Tyler in November and naming some right-wing Whigs... then lost the election to left-wing Democrat James K. Polk.

Actually, Scalia’s consistent position was that states could allow abortions or prohibit them, however they pleased, because the Constitution is silent on the question. Read any of his judicial opinions on abortion.

Federal law defines “unborn child” as follows: “the term ‘unborn child’ means a child in utero, and the term ‘child in utero’ or ‘child, who is in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.” (18 USC Sec. 1841(d))

The last debate featured a debate between Bush, Rubio, and Christie about rape and incest exceptions.

I know this sounds odd, but W. is still popular in South Carolina. The family has deep connections there. And, as someone said the other day on Twitter, the family traditionally uses S.C. as a kill box for its competition.

J.K. considered the Harry Potter series targeted to adults. But it was marketed (and became crazy successful) as a children’s book.

That’s just uncivilized. I’m sorry to hear it!

Wait, who has faculty meetings at night? They’re usually held over lunch hour where I come from.

If you’re pregnant in a Zika pandemic zone, the odds your baby has microcephaly is... just under 1%. To put this in perspective: fully1% of babies have congenital heart defects. 3% have some other significant birth defect. Not just babies in Zika-epidemic areas; babies everywhere.