I think I'm going to have all my suits tailored to include built-in abs now.
I think I'm going to have all my suits tailored to include built-in abs now.
... and every single one of those images was the result of hours of work by a team of designers who worked literally around the clock.
I'd really like to see the Venom story done right in the new Spider-Man movies, personally. I'm sure he could have his own movie, but I'm not sure how good a stand-alone movie for Venom alone could be just based on his integration in the Spider-Man series.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. To me the biggest problem with that style of writing is when writers pose questions that have no purpose. If there's no real reason for a plot element being introduced, it doesn't need to be introduced. He and his fellow writers fell into that trap numerous times during Lost.
Not answering all the questions posed doesn't make someone a bad writer. That's just his style. I'm sure some love it, and some obviously hate it. There are other reasons members here have cited for not liking his work too, of course.
Doesn't Schwarzenegger's statement fit in line with previous reports that they were planning on doing two, though? Could've sworn I heard that from Lin, but maybe I'm wrong.
Yeah, because someone was responding to my original comment. Isn't that kind of the point in making comments here? It's not like I sought him out simply to disagree with him; quite the opposite, clearly. And there's a difference between trying to reasonably discuss/debate something and being patronizing.
The 'ol 115-year itch... happens every time.
You're getting way too involved and angry in this. Most of the statements you've made are things I've already addressed here or in the other response you saw (and responded to) or are things that make zero sense. Ripley, for example, was quite possible the only character who didn't act absurdly stupid in the original…
Still don't agree. To each his/her own, though.
I'm sure some people will say you're pontificating or reaching, but I agree 100 percent with everything you just wrote. Well said (I really don't even had anything to add, just wanted to share my agreement).
I think you're being nit-picky for the sake of being nit-picky with the atmosphere aspect. Do you honestly expect a movie to go out and prove the hypotheses presented? Because I could probably list hundreds of movies — good movies — where that exact same thing happens. What point would going through and validating…
What did he think he'd come across? Well, not that. At the beginning of the movie it's shown they don't know where they're going or what their mission is. It's pretty clear that they had never discovered intelligent alien life before.
Yes, it does explain the issue he's bringing up. Read the post I was responding to. You're bringing up a separate issue. Here were the issues he brought up:
Misleading sentence. A biologist who's scared of a dead alien body (humanoid dead alien body that is significantly larger than a human) that was clearly running away from something and beheaded.
Don't agree.
- This was addressed directly in the dialogue of the film — they had changed the atmosphere of the place where the canisters were being held.
Whatever the black goo was appears to have a transformational impact on whoever ingests or touches it. My impression was that each one of those cylinders had different organisms (or different DNA) growing in it. Hence why one of them was a snake-like creature and another turned out to be that squid-like thing growing…
Honestly, really don't understand what the problem was for many people here. I mean, I've read the complaints, but they're not coming through. A lot of people are saying the movie was "slow" and "boring." Not to sound condescending, but have the individuals making these claims seen the original Alien, or are they…
OK, so I just got back from seeing the movie and loved it. I seriously don't understand the massive hatred it's getting on io9 (which is pretty much the only place I've seen it getting such one-sided hatred).