
Maybe he'll prove me wrong over the next few years, but even his movies feel like tv shows.

I disagree completely and, even though you didn't actually substantiate your opinions at all, I will respond. The movie progresses and amps up the stakes slowly. The action is not gratuitous and it's a necessary part of plot. It moves smoothly from pseudo-documentary (social functionary dealing with subjected

You're entitled to your opinion but labeling it a "train wreck" is a bit much

Well you're entitled to be wrong, my friend

Agreed. I have to imagine that being able to make contact with the outside world, though, would be life-changing.

Disagree completely. At first I thought the future beings were aliens, and thought that was random. Then someone pointed out to me they are actually evolved machines and surpassed humans as the surviving species, which after seeing a world or machines being used/abused by mankind was quite a revelation. Also the

Pre- pretty good?? Congratulations. you win my Understatement of the Month award!


Sounds like someone never saw Django...

Thank you for supplying the obligatory reboot/sequel whinging.

I hope they're not going too campy with it. That's the thing that always ruins Spider-man movies for me, when they go all cartoony and over-the-top with the characters.

I'm gonna start calling you Jason "NoScope" Schreier.

A full-blown Blood Dragon sequel. Give me $60 worth of Rex Powercolt, and I'll be very, very happy.

You must've hated the movie Iron Man and his AC/DC playing and hacking-into-military-software suit

Since it's an SEC wedding, I assume they'll both start cheating immediately.

Its a good thing Zimmerman didn't fire shots into air harming no one to scare away a real threat. Then it would have gone badly for him.

"The Xbox officially has a new boss today—former Windows boss and long-time Microsoft veteran Julie Larson-Green. No big gaming experience, unlike former game developer Don Mattrick, who last held the job."

I think it was the perfect ending.

Did people really dislike the ending of "AI: Artificial Intelligence" (pictured above)? I thought it wasn't bad. Would it have been better if they could have done it without narration?

I'm a huge Trek fan and I really enjoyed JJ's take and interpretation. I don't understand what you guys are so angry about. Other than Wrath of Khan, I would rather watch these two then any of the others. Seriously, why are you all so angry?