Those requirements are fairly high, even now. So I disagree with the assertion that it runs on a wide range of systems.
Those requirements are fairly high, even now. So I disagree with the assertion that it runs on a wide range of systems.
That depends on what you define as "a good range." Do you consider it as the majority of PCs on the market? Because in that case, I very seriously doubt it'd run on a "good range" of systems. If you mean gaming systems, however, sure.
They've already released an iOS game, Fibble.
I'm going to go ahead and say these statements were either made tongue-in-cheek or taken out of context (or something along those lines). Simply no way in hell this happens, especially to a company like Crytek, which pushes hardware (meaning many people won't even be able to run their F2P games).
I don't know that I can agree with that. Blade Runner, American Gangster, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down and Thelma & Louise were more than being "empty inside." No doubt they were gorgeous, but there was purpose to them.
See: Every Kotaku article regarding gender in the history of ever.
I loved it. I loved that the ending was ambiguous in that you could get what you wanted out of it, but that it felt like a legitimate ending to a series. Obviously I think they could've made a better ending if they had more seasons, but for one season? Great ending.
I had a bad feeling about this when all the news was breaking about script issues, shutting down production, and getting a "script doctor" to completely rewrite the end halfway through production.
If this were Facebook, I would like that comment for the awesome reference.
Bruce Willis' comment about Looper has pumped me up even more for that movie, which I didn't think was possible.
Hence why I said it wasn't a great movie. There were significant problems, but as far as movies go, you can do a lot worse.
I didn't think Alien 3 or Matrix Revolutions were that bad, personally. They weren't great, but they were watchable and fairly decent.
Eh, I was waiting for it to hit Blu-ray around that time.
Yes, but could you have shown it?
Sam Mendes... brother, you know how to make a sexy-looking movie.
I've already determined the same after Awake.
I don't like the show. I think it's had a few great episodes, some good episodes, and a large amount of mediocre-to-bad episodes (this season being full of the last category). But with that said, this definitely sucks for anyone who is a fan, and there's certainly a large number of you.
Well, by all accounts Harmon is nearly impossible to work with for anyone who isn't an actor.
It's from Scrubs.
Reynolds was seriously born to play Deadpool. If that movie doesn't get made, I'm going to be so pissed.