
Sacred Heart? More like Sacred Fart! Haha... gets me every time.

I always defend this movie, but to this day I maintain that the first 30 minutes of Terminator Salvation were awesome and that the movie was likely ruined by the script leaking.

The ending, man... the ending!

Here's a promo image of Little Miss Sunshine and Ender's Game star Abigail Breslin in the new movie from Splice director Vincenzo Natali.

Please point to this doll and show where the programmer touched you...

It's a 13-episode sprint; there's no filler episodes.

I don't think you're in as big of a minority as you think. That's been the main criticism of the show, especially for all the seasons after the first.

I think the environments look absolutely gorgeous, but the plot doesn't look too hot. The acting could go either way. Could end up being a guilty pleasure, but it doesn't have the immediate appeal of other shows by J.J. Abrams. Even Alcatraz had a fairly decent setup to it.

Completely misread it, thanks.

"Two Birds" is not the final episode of Awake. They were original going to air a two episode finale next week ("Two Birds" being the first part), but NBC changed the schedule and gave Community a three episode finale. Awake's finale airs in two weeks.

I'm so fucking pumped for this movie. On every level.

Where did I indicate it was merely an "I didn't like it"? I did absolutely hate it. I can recognize it was generally well-made, but I still hated it.

Owen, if you're reading this: weren't you the editor who wrote an article defending Kotaku commenters for being insightful on important issues like this? Have you read these comments? Because I vehemently disagreed with your article then, and the comments in this article are a great example of why I disagreed.

Guess we better all stop cutting our hair, clipping our toenails, taking supplements and shaving, because that ain't the way we're supposed to be, huh? Yeah, you're a jerkoff too.

Yeah, because that's the same thing. Dick.

I wasn't posting a full review. The fact that it didn't entertain me was the most noteworthy aspect of why I didn't like it. A movie can be well-made and still be substantially flawed, which I think Kick-Ass was. Don't take it as an affront to your opinion — there's room for other opinions out there.

I'm just going to say it: Kick-Ass is one of those popular, respected films that I absolutely hate. I can see why people like it — it's well-made, sure — but it just wasn't entertaining to me. I will say Hit Girl was awesome, though.

No mention of brief nudity? What about Charlize Theron's nude pushups? Does this mean they've been cut? Say it ain't so!

I answered the question in the first line of my response. I then gave what I felt was the best example of that (as I literally stated in my response), which just so happened to be recent. I said nothing of "that's where it began," you're just reading what you want to read at this point.

I don't really buy the logic, personally. I think they're fairly different. Maybe similar mythology, but vastly different in other regards. One's more fantasy-based, and the other's more science fiction-based. I think every movie studio would realize the two can coexist.