So. Fucking. Excited.
So. Fucking. Excited.
I'm rather optimistic that we aren't too optimistic for our own good.
I never want Firefly to come back. That monstrosity of a show was easily the worst thing that's ever existed on television at any level — network, cable, local access, anything.
And so it begins. Life has now begun to imitate art.
Alfonso Cuarón's tracking shots are absolutely beautiful. If you've seen Children of Men, you know what I'm talking about.
Is there anything Neil DeGrasse Tyson-related that you shouldn't purchase for all your friends?
Honestly, I'd pay just as much money to see all the actors interact with each other (as in not acting). Can you imagine RDJ just having a casual conversation with ScarJo? I can't. Because it had to be the most awesome conversation in the history of ever.
Hm, I forgot about all the "fucks." You're probably right.
re: Maggie being a series regular: fantastic! I love her character, and I think Cohan is a terrific actress. She helps me get over the disappointment of Lori.
Yeah. Like how are the Pittsburgh Pirates so perennially horrible? You'd think they'd have a decent team every once and a while! It truly defies logic.
Oh hell nah.
Yes — another endeavor I would absolutely never participate in, haha
I'm not necessarily afraid of heights, I just wouldn't do well in that guy's position. I'm fine with rollercoasters, being inside tall builds, planes — all that good stuff.
I think if you ever put me on something that tall, outside, I would pass out and fall to my death in about two seconds. So for me, it'd be like a panic attack followed by death.
True, but once out of college I'd start looking for paid internships if I were you.
I have a feeling this is going to jump near the top of my "must-see films" list.
And for those of us who think the Evil Conspiracy is the worst part of the show, there's bad news — that's back in full force, judging from this promo.
I actually thought the sketch was the worst of the night, personally.
That Looper poster is absolutely fantastic.
My apologies — all you bald guys with facial hair look alike to me.