
No, the other article specifically states that she violated no rules, according to the event staff. Read the ending closer:

It was hyperbole, Luke. But as far as your response to the situations go, I'd say your double standards are showing.

Can you please cite where he was banned for life?

Luke when a woman wears a revealing outfit to a public event: "WHERE IS THE DECENCY?!"

Unfortunately, in the world of television, showrunners are only powerful if they're presiding over a highly-watched show.

I actually like Altlivia more than Olivia. She doesn't seem so... soap-opera-y? I don't know, she just seems overemphasized in "our" universe, whereas in the alternate universe she's just a badass who loves her job as a cop.

Any loss of consciousness results in Britten changing realities. As Vikings stated, the inkblot is the clue as to when that occurs.

The dogs are clearly aliens. Have you never seen Men in Black?

A network design is drastically different than what we're discussing here. Gawker is a completely different beast than io9, with different goals, a different editorial staff, and far different kinds of content.

I'm seriously in love with this show. It is, hands down, the best show of the season. Every episode is unique in that they all have their own special feeling. This episode, for instance, was incredibly tense and more action-oriented than previous episodes.

Did someone leave io9, or are you guys just expanding?

Just an FYI, but Gawker had a massive change because of the new editor-in-chief. Some people were fired, some got better job offers, etc. Jezebel's had a few writers poached recently, too. I wouldn't judge the io9 writing opportunity based off other Gawker sites, personally.

Seriously? I thought the second episode easily had the most absolutely insane connections, with the dog and all that.

I had completely exorcised the fact that he directed that film from my mind. Thanks for reminding me, jerk.

Holy crap, I had no idea the Ender's Game cast was so loaded. Davis, Breslin, Steinfeld, Butterfield, and Ford? With Gavin Hood directing? Uh-maze-eeeeng.

I don't know, this feels like it's missing something... a romance? Naked drawings? Nope, nope, I've got it: an old lady throwing a jewel in the ocean.

Just wrong, or is it just too right?

Many thanks to the commenters who challenged my assertion that there couldn't possibly be a Blade Runner thong, and made me eat my words. You inspired this post.

Aww, but they always seem so helpful!

I feel like this list could easily be filled with questions from Lost.