
I need a change of pants.

Is it a rule that all major android advancements have to be named David?

I want to read this, but I'd rather be wowed by the trailer itself... is there any information in the article that isn't from the trailer (from WonderCon)?

I actually agree with all these choices — great list.

And his chest appears to be opening... can't wait!

The headline alone makes this the best recap you've ever written, Charlie... keep preachin' the good word.


Being completely honest: I agree with you. For the life of me, I can't understand what people saw in it. I enjoy a lot of Whedon's work, but I just do not comprehend how people enjoy it.

How on earth is Sphere versus X-Men: The Last Stand even remotely close? That's just impossible.

I'd totally see this.

Stop it, Hollywood, just stop it. No one wants your 3D re-releases.

Even though I didn't like Tron: Legacy, I'm really excited about Oblivion. The plot just sounds really neat, almost like a live-action Wall-E.

But that probably won't bother Ferrell too much: Like Jack White working on a side project or Steve Martin deciding to do a bluegrass album, Casa de Mi Padre is an excursion that's not meant to be taken that seriously.

Somehow, every single intellectual property known to man has a CafePress thong for sale.

I actually quite like the look. It's somewhat grungy, but it's got a unique appearance. The action looks well-shot based on the little we see in this clip, too.

Is it a law that all major network television studios have to air a J.J. Abrams show at some point in time or something? I mean, I like his shows, but he must know some dirt on each studio.

I'd vote Serenity if it were listed. Just for the backlash.

Most of these seem like "biggest letdowns", not necessarily the worst, which makes voting somewhat hard... do I vote with my emotions, or do I pick the legitimately worst movies?

I don't think Oliver Hirschbiegel is the culprit for The Invasion being bad. I blame that on the studio (Warner Brothers). They wouldn't let him cut the film the way he wanted and did a bunch of reshoots that completely changed the story. That's why it was such as sloppy mess in the end.

Oh goodness, another trailer with bad dubstep? C'mon, game publishers... you can do better.