Be honest, Meredith: if these were mass-produced and there was only one set left in your size whatever store you were at, how difficult would it be not to yell, "get away from those you bitch!" at the other person trying to buy them?
Be honest, Meredith: if these were mass-produced and there was only one set left in your size whatever store you were at, how difficult would it be not to yell, "get away from those you bitch!" at the other person trying to buy them?
That six month delay might mean the movie needed more post-production work, or Paramount might simply have decided the movie works better as a summer film than an awards season release.
I doubt he got a considerable paycheck, though, and he's not going to have a lasting career in dramas. Maybe he's got a few more good years in romance movies, but those typically don't pay male leads well.
I don't understand why Tatum doesn't do more comedy. He's a horrible dramatic actor, but he was the only (only!) good thing about that horrible Vince Vaughn/Kevin James movie. He was fairly good on SNL, too; seems to get comedic timing.
GAH! I knew I remembered the actor from somewhere before.
Yup. If he is even working for anyone, that is. There's lots of interesting parts that I hope they tie up in the season finale (well, not all of it, if there's going to be another season — but at least give us some more information). He seems to have the resources (gold) and employees (the doctors) to do whatever he…
Well, the House episode isn't on there as of now. Maybe they put them up by accident after they were supposed to air and you saw them before they were pulled.
The thing is, it seems as though Dr. B and Lucy aren't necessarily involved in the time travel aspect of the plot. They appear to be recruited into doing experiments for the warden that he never really reveals the nature of.
I really enjoyed this episode — definitely agree it was the best episode so far.
NASCAR canceled the planned airing of the episode, along with House's last episode (which will now air next week).
I would be shocked if no one said "you sank my battleship!" in this movie (seriously).
Call it what you want, my point was it wasn't an intrinsically bad film.
Geez, Jack the Giant Killer got pushed back almost a year? Bryan Singer just can't catch a break. First Brett Ratner butchers his X-Men series, then he makes a fairly good film in Superman that fans absolutely hate (I mean, it may not be a great Superman film, but c'mon), and now his movie gets pushed back that far?
Yup. I used to buy tons of games, but the only ones I've bought (even remotely) recently have been Warp and Gotham City Impostors.
I don't understand all the "Team" stuff the movie's being marketed for. I thought this was a kick-ass tale, not a romance? Maybe you'll get the Twilight market, but I don't think that's what you want for a movie like this...
I'm not arguing that, but the problem is the movie wasn't great and it's marketing was horrible — so the hypothetical of "what if it were a better movie?" versus "what if it were marketed better?" is hard to answer.
The two reasons it flopped:
I'm not sure how I like Extremis as a plot for an Iron Man film. The films have been relatively grounded, and I believe they even scoffed at the idea of using the Extremis plot for a sequel after the first was made (not that the second was anywhere near as good as the first, but still).