
I never said no basis, I said not much basis. Iron Man has long been identified by his circular core, and it's the overwhelmingly predominant shape associated with him — not the triangle.

About the circle versus the triangle? Well, if you watched Iron Man 2, you'd see the triangle logo on the armor he's referring to — something that really doesn't have much basis to it. The circular logo, however, is pretty iconic to the character.

Oh Joss Whedon, you know just what a nerd likes to hear!

Oh, you're not foolin' me, Berndnaut Smilde... you're really trying to create rainbows so you can steal me lucky charms!

What if you told them you could shoot something in the eye of the moon man? Did you tell them that? Because that's the whole selling point!

The adage is that "there's no such thing as bad publicity," and it is a highly incorrect saying.

While I can picture a teenage Kiefer Sutherland fitting the role in terms of looks, I can't imagine hearing his voice as Robin.

I'm not really surprised. Whenever I watch Galaxy Quest, I always get the feeling something's been neutered out of it. The humor is fairly adult at times, but it just tip toes the line occasionally with some of the dialogue.

But it's Neil deGrasse Tyson! How could we ever be made at Neil deGrasse Tyson?!

Sounds like an awful — or amazing? — sex game.

These pictures are amazing. I actually find them neater than the decrepit buildings io9 normally posts pictures of.

It's a shame you didn't consider her other statements and chose to only see something taken largely out of context, because she has a point.

I actually like the graphics. I'll give it a shot.

Nudity actually is pretty big in A Princess of Mars (the novel). It's more than understandable that they took it out of the movie, though. While it's "honest" to the book, I don't think it's really all that necessary to the story.

How to take care of the child? To keep certain things out of reach? How attached you get to a child who has no means of protecting herself? Sometimes you have to make tough decisions when you have a child?

Yup, to each his/her own! Personally, I just prefer it when shows stick to a style. Like how Fringe or House have their mixes of quirky and serious.

I don't think the implication has ever been that neither universe is real. In fact, the actors have all pretty much flat-out said that's not the case, and there's a logical set-up to the season finale. So I don't think the "rules" are what you assumed they were.

I get the feeling that some of the procedurals on this show aren't actually procedurals — they're simply setting up characters and storylines for future episodes, so it's a more coherent aspect of the plot. Case-in-point: the homeless guy who tells Britten about "the little guy," which clearly has more meaning than

I seriously hated this episode. I really want to get into this show, but then they pull cheesy crap like this — I feel like the show just has no identity. It doesn't know whether or not it wants to be serious or more spoofy (if that makes sense?).

Yeah, I agree. But even looking at the review over at Gawker, you can see that people were expecting that movie to be his big break. It's disappointing to see that a mediocre movie like that amounts to a career-changing moment only because all his other movies have been so absolutely horrible.