Who ever said his career is being revitalized? Tons of places. Search lots of entertainment and movie sites. He was going to host the Oscars because Tower Heist was supposedly the proof that he's "still got it" before all the shenanigans with that.
Who ever said his career is being revitalized? Tons of places. Search lots of entertainment and movie sites. He was going to host the Oscars because Tower Heist was supposedly the proof that he's "still got it" before all the shenanigans with that.
For all the talk of Eddie Murphy's career supposedly being revitalized, he sure continues to pick shitty movies to star in.
Yes, I know, I was referring to that. The writers have made some sexist dialogue throughout the course of this season for some reason.
It's funny because it's sexist!
Whedon is pulling what I like to call the "inverse Transformers."
Do I think Android has a higher piracy rate than PSP? Oh, absolutely. It's ridiculous how easy it is to pirate things on Android. I mean, it's not insanely hard on the PSP either, but I think Android makes it easier, even just in the way it's built (the unsigned installations, etc). People are more cognizant of it…
Yes, piracy is rampant on Android. It's extremely simple to pirate applications; I'd even bet it has a higher piracy rate than the PC does.
I will only see this if someone has to cut his or her arm off after being pinned by one of the dogs, so that said person can participate in a Who Wants to Be a Millionaire-style ethnic television show while the world descends into a zombie apocalypse that exists because of the sun's impending dimming.
Are you seriously this fucking dense? You truly have to try to be this dense, honestly. It's a talent. Your willful ignorance is a talent. That I will give you.
Which is also a silly statement to make. You have yet to clarify how you know Native Americans don't have a problem with Johnny Depp playing a Native American instead of, you know, a Native American. Did you use mind meld on them? Because somehow I very seriously doubt you've brought the conversation up and taken a…
Sigh — not sure why you capitalized it, then. Pirates isn't a genre, and there are no examples of movies about pirates flopping over the past few decades. I've never heard any talk about movies about pirates being "dead," since it isn't a genre.
If they're going to spend $150 million on the budget, they sure as hell better find a way to get every Johnny Depp fan in existence in the seats.
I'm sorry, what film are you referring to? If you're referring to The Legend of the Lone Ranger, there are countless reasons why that film flopped. It had no support from the fans for numerous reasons, and was a shit movie to begin with. Because that's exactly what you want to do with a property: piss off your fans so…
Bullshit. First of all, they don't need a $150 million budget. A good chunk of that probably went to his salary, given the amount he commands. Secondly, The Lone Ranger is a massive property. I know westerns don't do as well at the box office as they once did, but you can't honestly tell me that making a movie based…
Meh. I don't like how they white washed this role at all. There are some roles where I just think, "eh, race doesn't really matter too much," but it's fucking Tonto. Tonto, people. You mean to tell me Johnny Depp can act more Native American than a Native American can?
I like minimalism, but I can't say these really get my attention. I like the Monsters, Inc. ones, though.
I don't think it's the market, to be honest. Even though I like the original story, the movie just doesn't appear interesting to me for whatever reason. To me, it just looks bland. I'll still rent it when it hits Netflix, though.
I'm pretty sure the "planned trilogy" for John Carter won't be happening with the tepid reviews and lack of buzz it's been getting. It's almost a certain bomb (domestically, at least) at this point.
Meh. Don't even remotely agree. Lionhead was in its decline before it became a Microsoft studio. Ever since the original Fable it's been downhill — Black & White 2 wasn't anywhere near as good as the first, and The Movies was just a weird, quirky little game.
Co-sign. The two leads are what kill me — the mom and the son (I can't even remember their damn names). But the dialogue is cringe-worthy to begin with.