
Its ratings for the premiere really weren't that stellar since it was going up against re-runs, though. Most studios would be more willing to bet on a freshman show than renew a show that only has so-so ratings, so the rest of the season needs to at least keep pace with the premiere or it's up in the air.

If this show gets canceled, I'm giving up on network television. Seriously, the pilot was that good. With House ending after this season, I need something to be my show to look forward to during the week — and I think Awake is that show.

Yes, it's been extremely well-received. And, personally, I thought it was very worthy of that reception.

Flash is dead for video and many other web design features because it's very intensive and drains battery. Adobe's even began repositioning Flash themselves, because they know that.

If that was the joke, then I don't understand why that'd be funny...?

Why is his ranking in parentheses? It's pretty essential to the title...

I just want a good Venom movie. The symbiote and Venom in Spider-Man 3 were horrible. Keep it true to the roots of Venom and I think there's a compelling story to tell. It'd be cool to have a Spider-Man cameo, too, but I'm not sure if it's necessary.

Eh, well, agree to disagree. I don't interpret his recent statements the same way at all, but I suppose we'll see.

He's also distanced himself from those statements numerous times (sorry, not going to look for the articles right now, just glancing at io9). I'm only going off his comments as what they are, as he stated: The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, and is played by Guy Pearce. That's the

I've felt like the show has been consistently getting better from one episode to the next in terms of the procedurals, which is a obviously good thing. What I don't like is that sometimes they'll only make brief allusions to the underlying sci-fi elements in an episode, without actually telling us anything

I didn't think people were thinking that. I've always thought that everyone's been aware they have no intentions to set it up directly before the original Alien, but that it would still be a prequel to that franchise (which Ridley has been trying to skirt around for quite some time).

I'm aware, just saying it's absurd the lengths they're going to imply it's not part of the franchise. Regardless of whether or not it has xenomorphs (which it likely won't), it's almost certainly a prequel, be it direct or indirect.

Guys, this has completely no connection to the Alien franchise beyond Weyland, though, Ridley said so himself! You mean the film appears to have an identical structure to the original and the Space Jockey is also in it? Hogwash! NO CONNECTION!

They were both Marvel movies. What I meant was that it was missing the flair Marvel movies are known for, despite being a Marvel film; it'd be like saying Quantum of Solace was missing the action Bond films are known for.

I don't think that was too long — you summed up the issues with the first two movies perfectly; well said.

I was going to say stupid, but that works, too.

I don't really think the first two Hulk movies got it "wrong" as far as the character goes, they just didn't have that extra bit of flair that Marvel movies are known for. Certainly didn't help that the lead actors were fairly bland.

Wow, you're really adamant that no one else is allowed to have opinions, aren't you?

I beg to differ:

Yeah, I was surprised found footage wasn't listed.