Uh, what are you talking about? It clearly says Cosmic Cube. Do you not comprehend what a steal this is?! You can control the entire world with it!
Uh, what are you talking about? It clearly says Cosmic Cube. Do you not comprehend what a steal this is?! You can control the entire world with it!
Being in some mediocre movies does not make a mediocre career or impact her acting abilities specifically.
I don't know, I think Peggy Carter was a better female role than Black Widow was, if we're only going off Iron Man 2 and Captain America. Peggy actually seemed essential to the storyline, and she was more than just a pretty face — she had an actual role, unlike Black Widow, who was mainly just there for the sex appeal…
If nothing else, it will look fantastic. But I enjoyed the last Medal of Honor, it just felt rushed — there were plenty of bugs, and it seemed like some features weren't fully complete. I look forward to seeing what Danger Close does with this.
Nope, haven't — thanks for the recommendation!
This is awesome. Those are two of my favorite books — particularly Brave New World. It's really a shame no movie studio's been able to get a cinematic version of it off the ground, because I think it could be a fantastic film. There was going to be a version starring Leonardo DiCaprio at one point (I think he was even…
My money's still on John Carter bombing. Given the budget it has and its lack of universal appeal, I simply can't see it doing well at the box office. Well, at least the domestic box office... you never can tell with the foreign box office.
Personally, I won't miss it at all. Its premiere started out with promise, but it quickly went downhill.
Man, that second screenshot sure is beautiful.
My career choice would've been drastically different had I known that you get to hang around Zoe Saldana in a bathrobe as an actor.
I think I need to change my pants.
Like I said in the observation deck, I'm glad Dale's gone. The big-eyed looks were really starting to get on my last nerve, and hopefully this will mean more time for Glen and T-Dog.
Actually, more frequently than not, the host rarely looks at the cue cards. Sometimes they do (especially bad hosts), but Lohan was literally reading the cards the entire time. She couldn't remember any lines of dialogue, even when she only had a few words.
This was really the only good thing about last night's SNL. Lohan clearly seemed lost and was constantly having trouble, having to read her cards word-for-word.
Oh, duh, I knew that... I remember reading the article on Gizmodo about its demolition. For some reason I didn't put two-and-two together, hah.
Geez, that's how deteriorated it became after only 11 years? Why wouldn't you just sell it if you truly had no use for it?
He didn't say anything about what it was for, just that he made a PC. It's almost impossible to have known the information about the Steam Box would leak.
You realize this is just a prototype, right? He's just putting together the parts for a proof of concept.
I literally can't say enough good things about this show. With House gone next season, this will definitely be my most anticipated show during the week. I'm eagerly anticipating next week's episode.
So, Damon Lindelof officially reads io9... with that in mind, I'm now taking bets on who he is here.