
Dear America,

Nice pull. Bravo.

Then it’s settled - green in front, pink on the rear.

You’ll have plenty of time to appreciate them as they do skin grafts on your right leg.

I think my VFR has spoiled me. I just now realized I only consider bikes with single-sided swing arms worth my time and attention.

It burns!

A pink wheel is definitely a must-have.

My thought as well. How am I not burning the shit out of my leg when riding?

Wait... How am I not burning the shit out of my right leg on the exhaust?

Bah. I’m poor. I can only afford to ride ratty pieces of crap.

I have the weirdest boner right now. I like it and I hate it and its amazing and I feel bile rising in my throat.

It’s very.... busy...

Star awarded for snark requiring basic historical knowledge.

See when you use words like “tender pigtail” I get a sad face. —> :(

The old adage holds true - it’s way more fun to drive a slow bike fast than it is to drive a fast bike slowly.

Slow clap, sir. Slow clap.

Sean is good people.

I.... I....

That Triple sound... THAT SOUND THOUGH!!!

With a cheap 250, you can keep it around, because I guarantee you’ll regret selling it to upgrade, and wish you had found a way to keep it in the garage.