
This squid will take his piece of crap VFR800 and go home :(

Ah ha. So what is it? Just its own thing? Because I think it’s real name is “instant death”.

I’m still confused - the tone of this and the previous article sound like the H2 doesn’t exist. Is it not in the same class?

So Sean, unless I am missing something, we have nary a mention of the H2, which is a liter-ish bike but has significantly higher cost and horsepower.

I like it!

You shut your whore mouth!

I say this because I care, and I snort-laughed.

The part you are conveniently leaving out is how much more lethal guns are as a tool. The ability to kill or injure large groups of people in a very short time is really unmatched. The only other potential option is explosives, and those take so much more time, effort, skill, and planning to pull off that it would

No. It would not. There is an intimacy in other methods of killing that using a gun removes. That intimacy would cause people to have a second thought.

I’d opt for the DeLorean from BTTF, but you’re entitled to be wrong.

“Fish that swim!” is good, but it’s no “KAZOOOOOOOS!!!”

I have a disability that prevents me from describing things that happen. Why are you mocking me?

It’s quite possible this isn’t about you.

Are you sure you didn’t die, and this is all being imagined?

Ok... I’m good, this bike is much heavier, but I’m good... OK I’m pulling into traffic and accelerating ... and HOLY SHIT I’M GOING 100KM/H IN 1ST GEAR!!!

Now playing

I think you’re referring to Halle Berry:

It’s a thing that exists. That’s about all I got.

Interesting - I am just the opposite. It feels like I’m going slow and then holy shit I’m going 150km/h on the highway.

You should probably not be alive right now, statistically speaking.