
You are probably in the minority.

I miss my Ninja 250. I’m not dead as a result of learning on it.

Jesus... how old were you?

I wish I hadn’t sold it :(

I got my license on a Ninja 250 and 6 months later bought a VFR800. I thought I was going to die the whole ride home from picking it up.

If you aren’t swearing like a sailor in frustration, you haven’t done it properly.

Don’t trifle us with details.

The mouth blood could have been a bitten cheek or tooth getting knocked out. Doesn’t mean brain trauma in and of itself.

Not to mention insurance rates.

It seems to me the intent would be to use it to practice take off and landings - the hardest part of flying, arguably.

I think you mean maximum landing force, not weight. A faster descent means more force on the landing gear.

THAT’S where I knew his name form! Thank you!

But then why are guys allowed to have as much sex as they want?

It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.

I’d put Kim Davis higher on this list. Ugh.

To be fair, quite an America you live in. This is less of an issue in other parts of the world (Western Europe), and more of an issue in some others (Middle East).

In an ironic twist, purchasing the Marriage DLC disables the product entirely.