

America was already great, you twit. Quit acting like you Trump voters care about minority, black, or womens issues. You are fooling *no one*.

Yeah. Boo, and shame on the media for playing tape of the man you voted for, without prompting, saying racist, bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, xenophobic things. Totally the media’s fault.

GTFO - the blood is on your hands.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!

I think eventually Ivanka is just going to come out and show her breasts to the press corps, and that will be the extant of any WH communication.

I have always had a soft spot for the elderly and senile, but I’d let him tumble down stairs so quickly his head would spin.

We need to stop this “religious freedom” bullshit by denying services to Christians en masse. Same with the open carry law stuff by getting minorities to utilize it.

While I generally agree and think she is incredibly awesome, I wish she’d gone big and asked to taze the President.

Love to join you, but I’m an immigration lawyer. Is it okay if I keep working? I’ll order pizza and send it to any protests around me, though.

I’m pretty sure Trump doesn’t know Muslims live elsewhere.

General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

See you tomorrow.

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Yes! And we didn’t go charging in in 1939 with the annexation of Poland, everybody; we waited, while actual Nazis held actual rallies in LA, while at least one shipload of Jewish refugee children was refused entrance to the US and sent back to certain death. Only after the attack on Pearl Harbor did we suddenly

How long before it’s just going to be Ivanka on a kazoo?

Oh God, the horror of hallucinating that you’re back in the camps is completely terrifying. It must have been heartbreaking to watch her suffer like that.

The preferred term is “Killing Center.” We [Holocaust scholars] try not to call the the 5 Killing Centers (denoted because they had gas chambers) “Death camps” anymore because death occurred at all of the concentration camps, over 40,000 of them. Also, it puts the agency on the killers, and the choices they made to

Oh, I don’t know, maybe the American taxpayers that are responsible for the huge tax bill for it? Not to mention every furious New Yorker who is continually getting fucked by traffic...