
He’s also causing the whole healthcare industry to go into a panic and caused international turmoil and damaged our relations with other countries.

The haberdasheries are all out of haberdash!

He literally said her father wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.


for serious, like he’s an extra salty bitch who is just utterly done with the puckered asshole that is Trump, and starts losing his grip hahahaha

We basically will have a double agent in the White House beginning on January 20th.

There’s a fax number. That’s it. I’m faxing a picture of my vag

If this does come to pass, I hope California follows through and tells the Trump administration to go fuck itself.

Or maybe there were other stories that mattered more. It’s amazing what not having a right wing white dude boner will do to your perspective.

I guess it goes to show the current state of affairs that my immediate assumption on reading the headline was that she died.

I know, what a relief. WHEW!!! We really dodged a big-assed bullet.

How fucking dare she?! I bet she was going to use the force of law to steal your guns, religious freedom, homophobia, islamophobia and misogyny too.

...And by your logic, why would a person of color ever want to eat in a restaurant that makes them sit in a separate section? There are plenty of other restaurants in other parts of town— go there instead! Why make your kids go to a school where the students hold up signs saying “KKK” as a prank? There are other

1. By slutshaming, you are clearly not progressive
2. I am not offended that you insulted the owners, I am offended by your slut-shaming
3. I’ve seen the Rockettes 4 (FOUR!) times, with my own money. I went with a group of women. I would say all but one of them was super feminist/progressive.
4. You don’t have to be

I’m not a crafter, not that it matters. I’m not a mommy, not that it matters. I am also a super fucking left wing liberal shit stirring feminist, not that I need to provide my cred to you, and not that you’d believe it anyway. I’m guessing YOU aren’t a liberal, progressive feminist, since you are A-fucking-OK with

Damn, who got kicked out of the dance squad in junior high? Sorry for your loss. Seriously, though, you either need to learn a little more about dance, or a little more about not slut-shaming people. Also, maybe be less of an asshole, because this is the second interaction I’ve had with you and your “my way is the

If I were Madonna I would stop leaving the house.

If she lives to 100 she gets to send herself a letter..

Oh good the old bait and switch.

Ther is no such thing as objectivity. The KKK is morally repugnant. There is no way to explain how or why people hold onto values that espouse hatred, not of ideas, but of people. Nothing new would be revealed, becasue there’s nothing to reveal.