
It’s a way to hold the person accountable for their vote in the next election. Democrats do it too. It’s a very useful political tool. Democrats will put gun bills on the floor for a vote, for example, so that when the next election rolls around, the gun-control candidate can show voters in his or her district how the

He was probably a she. I learned that on a podcast the other day. Most pet tarantulas are female because males only live 6 mos. They’re born, they bone, they die. Such is life for many male arachnids.

Obsessive fan of Che? I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen him perform (on TV) on 1 hand. I’ve never seen him live.

In my defense, I’m not sighing/shaking head; I’m having daily panic attacks.

Don’t confuse experience with opinion. I have no opinion regarding Che’s talent. But someone finds him entertaining. And again, you simply described how all comedians get their start. They suck, they’re obvious, and they work at it. OK, back to making money!

Your comment was just incredibly petty. Clearly you think a lot of yourself. And the people around you are very aware of this.

So you’re more famous and successful then Che? Or you’re just funnier and broke? It seems like you described exactly how a comedian gets started.

... anyyywayyy. That guy is pretty popular in the gorilla rehabilitation field. Watch almost any well-funded documentary about rescuing baby lowland gorillas and he’s the guy you’ll see “fathering” newcomers and helping them acclimate to the sanctuary. He can go into an enclosure with a group of adolescent/young teen

He knows “hombre.”

I’m really tired of hearing, “Are you surprised,” to every single lie, failure, and hyperbolic declaration I respond to from this administration. What am I allowed to be surprised by? I’m not surprised that Don is a big, fat, useless, lying, intellectually-challenged old-man toddler. But until now, a president’s

Her day job is writer. Maybe a teaching gig or speaker thrown in there, too. She’s modestly well off, not ridiculously rich—which is what people assumed following the success of Hulu’s dramatization of her popular novel. Yes, she’s a working schlub like most of us. She does well for herself. She’s certainly talented.

The story is that people think the show is making her ridiculously rich. She’s just a working schlub like the rest of us.

Was he one of the nay votes?

It’s scheduled far sooner than that. Lots of people have to plan their schedules around this.

Of course I can research it, but if anyone knows off the top if their head — has a supreme court justice bowed out of a SOTU in the past for reasons unrelated to health or family emergency? Doubtful this is a coincidence. As soon as the date was announced, RBG had her people book the event. I don’t know anything about

I like the idea of the caucus snagging Uniom tickets and then not showing up.

Hervey created and executive-produced a “fun, quirky” reality TV show about a 45-year-old ex-teen idol and walking herpes scab. In one opening credit, Chachi bragged about bringing a woman home with him. They woke up together in the morning. Later that night he saw her at a party and introduced himself because he

So in other words, boys will be boys. I hope you raise your sons better than that.

Hervey is tight with Chachi. A few years ago, before Chachi went off the deep-deep-deep end, he did a realty show about how much of a douche and sex addict he is and his quest to find love (even though he was already in a committed relationship with his now wife and I believe she was already pregnant for the duration