
I’ve read it on at least 5 different platforms, not counting social media. The press ain’t letting it go. I wouldn’t say the American people are letting it go. I would say that Trump’s base is covering Trump. I realize that I live in a bubble of liberal fanatics and read news that supports my POV. But I’m genuinely

I think Richards is smart enough to know that O’Roarke has a lot of really good support behind him right now and making this is Hillary/Sanders situation is the worst thing that can happen in 2018. I want to see Richards run for something - anything, but Cruz’s seat. If Central TX were Texas (mm, well, not counting

If Austin were Texas (yeah, fantasyland thinking), O’Roarke all but has the seat. Bumper stickers, lawn signs, meet-and-greets, parties, social media. He’s on it. Cruz is definitely shitting himself in Central TX.

You’d probably be a fan of the podcast -My Dad Wrote A Porno.

It’s funny because if you look at her themes now, I don’t know how one would assume the writer wouldn’t be a woman.

Just out of curiosity, what is your experience in this particular situation? Teacher? Student? Blog reader?

The person with the month-long cough got like 3 paragraphs! I just get “go see a doctor”?

My upper legs hurt all weekend and still do a little. Any advice? : )

I once saw an infant wearing only a very saggy diaper running around my apartment complex by himself. He seemed very happy-go-lucky. But he wasn’t a talker and couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me where he lived. I don’t have kids and rarely spend time with any so I likely wouldn’t pick up on subtle signs of anything wrong —

Was she pardoned? Or was her sentence commuted?

Sending their best!

She doesn’t look like she’s at the top of her game. But come on, it’s not like he’s “dating” down.

Maybe because neither Dwight nor Angela were in a position of power over one another. Or maybe it was just a TV show and writing an episode about Michael traveling to the corporate office in NY to sign a love contract was funnier than Dwight and Angela signing one.

The zero-tolerance approach isn’t against engaged couples. It’s more about “flings,” possibly when one or both of the participants are already in relationships/marriages. Or flirting-plus that includes a person in a much higher-ranking position in the company. I’m assuming that NBC has or will implement a policy in

This one wasn’t shocking. In fact, when I saw the headline, I thought, “There it is. I was wondering where you’ve been.”

Here’s the problem, you don’t think work is an inappropriate place to sexually proposition someone. Yeah, I know, you don’t do it. But you still don’t think it’s inappropriate. I would say more women than not do not want to be thought of in a sexual way at work at all. If there is chemistry between two people, then

You quoted one person commenting on one great job. Nowhere near “the people who do this for a living.” That’s why I gave you a link to a documentary featuring at least half a dozen different VO workers. Your guy is talking about one of his best gigs — not the average VO job. And while I would think an Emmy-winning

Have you ever gotten even a brief behind-the-scenes glimpse of voice-work actors in the studio? It’s hard work. It’s not a “roll in at noon” type of gig. It’s serious work for actors who have a special skill in bringing reality to a film that they will not be seen in — in a realistic sense. They’re also typically

This makes a recent “Better Things” episode (“If you would just taste my dick”) especially creepy. How much did you really know, CK’s partner and cowriter? I love Adlon but she really should own up to how much she knew. CK already did the hardest part.