“It’s easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”
“It’s easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”
We’re probably the same age. I can’t abbreviate. But I also text with one finger so maybe I should give it a chance. I always strike “thus” from articles I edit. I don’t see “whilst” very often. But I would strike that, too.
Not drinking that coffee, are you? Apparently, when Tambor’s character was written into prison, the cast and crew felt somewhat relieved because at least some of his scenes could be shot without them and using a different film team. But no, it doesn’t mean if the star goes home, everyone goes home. It means Tambor’s…
I think 2/3 of the people on this site are like, “What’s a Columbo?” Kind of the way I’m like, “Is Lourdes Madonna’s kid?”
I always win raffles. And I was called for jury duty once and Lou Reed was in the pool with me. He sat on my row. My name was called with about 25 other potential jurors. The guy takes us out in the hall and says he’s letting us go because too many people showed up. I was sorta bummed. I wouldn’t have minded spending…
Kramer spills coffee on his lap and scorches himself. The coffee chain CEOs plot to offer Kramer free coffee for life and will offer $50k as a starting settlement. Kramer and Jackie enter the office. Coffee CEO says, “We’ll offer you free coffee for life, plus...” And Kramer grabs his hand, “I’ll take it!”
Tambor has a pretty terrible on-set reputation. A home-by-6-pm guy when the rest of the cast and crew are putting in the hours, which may be especially elongated to accommodate Tambor’s schedule. (Heard this from an on-set source.) Michael Cera was interviewed on a podcast and told some stories about Tambor on the AD…
Right, a quote within a sentence. I see why people do that, especially when it’s not clear if the publication uses AP, MLA, or Chicago. But I would say about 50% of what I read (by people who are supposed to be professionals), put punctuation outside of quotes.
It depends which rules you’re referring to. You don’t have to use that for a person/which for an inanimate object. But for a restrictive clause, use “that.” It’s a rule. Not a myth. But I can see it evolving since few people know the rule anymore.
Does anyone care anymore that punctuation belongs inside quotes? And that/which. That one gets me.
Who hasn’t come of age in a different era? People coming of age now - that’s who.
Um... what? I’m familiar with the meme. Of course, anything can happen. But I wouldn’t suggest that “we all know” he’ll be the nominee. I’m officially declaring that I don’t know and don’t think it will happen — with as much certainty as one can have when predicting the future.
My apologies. I see you did sort of address this. I guess the answer is “not all porn industry people?” If he has a reputation for being a professional to his employees, then I don’t see why his line of work is problematic. I think you’re mistaking the concept of the industry for someone’s personal behaviors. You,…
I’m genuinely curious why you think he shouldn’t be considered progressive. Is it just because of his line of work? Or are you referencing some other past scandals?
Mike the dog agrees. Shite week.
God, this year sucks. Not just Petty or shooting massacres, or Trump (though that’s a huge one), but even my 16 1/2 year old dog died this year. Please don’t make this last till 2020.
She goes to Politico, NYT, WaPo, et al, clicks on today’s news: cntl-C; switches over to Kinja: cntl-P. The column really should be called: This is how we cover shit that happened today.
When who walks by?
I’m not into the whole DJ movement thing. Does anyone know if she’s really good at it? Or is she just OK and gets paid more for her celebrity?