
Well, our kind need to work.

I hear the last film screened for Trumpertantrum was “Behind the Candelbra.”

So only tall men get groped? Not men who are 5'9 to 6'0?

What is flawed about “Believe me!”?

Or Leslie Jones playing Trump.

I don’t have kids. I don’t particularly enjoy being around any, at any age, but teens specifically annoy me. And I think making them read and go to the Holocaust museum is a good idea. Don’t you think putting these kids in detention is a drain on society? And then mom and/or dad would have to miss work. There could be

1 year, 9 months, 12 hours till November 6, 2018. Counting each and every day.

I think you’re right. Someone provided proof that Tomato always uses tomato adjacent handles. Tomatoes are technically a fruit. This one fits his M.O. to a tee.

They do. They’re counting on people not looking into it. Also, Obama maybe started this list, but he certainly did not ban immigrants. There’s a huge difference. A 100% difference. So saying “we just finished what Obama started” is fucking obnoxious. Everything people hate was Obama’s fault in the first place,

The only interviewer I really saw make his/her point with Conway was Seth Meyers, and that was on a comedy show. Chuck Todd did say “alternative facts are falsehoods.” We’ll probably never see her talk to Todd again. What other journalist or on-air anchor ever called her out in person? I think Maddow and O’Donnell on

In response to one question she says, “Well, what he meant is ... just what he said.” Huh? Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work? And then people who voted for him just repeat what she says.

If someone can do this math for me, I would really appreciate it. I’m at typical Gen-X age. Will kids in DeVos’ educational system be changing my diaper or will Millennials? Say I live to 88.

We can’t worry about what conservatives say. These are all legitimate requests. And their all positions are directly from Trump’s playbook. The more irritated Trump voters are, the better. We’ve been inert — lazy — for too long. Too accommodating to GOP demands — to the country’s detriment. Have there been any

How do you think we should deal with Trump, then? I agree with everything you said. But is there anything that will stall this guy? I think he really hates the small things — pointing out his low inauguration numbers, citizens protesting, he’ll probably go ballistic when dozens (hopefully) of celebs call him out at

It’s crucial that we constantly push back on this guy. With each new legitimate demand from lawmakers and voters for him to release tax returns, Melania’s immigration papers, and everything else, it leaves less time for these clowns to create bogus EOs.

I moved to Austin from NYC. I say Fuck more than most other words. But heartlanders are morally superior. I can’t tell you how many times I tell someone what I think and they just smile and shake their head in the affirmative. Then I find out they don’t agree with me, or don’t like what I said, or thought I was too

Were they actually chanting “shit”? Because I have a Fuck Trump tee and button and in my city, some hag who thinks I care about her opinion said I’m setting the movement back with my bad language. And then she returned to her insult-to-literature by reading her Julia Quinn romance novel. I told her I don’t fucking

OK, I just want to say first off that I’m a generally intelligent person. Or so I think. Several years ago I was going on vacation to the Dominican Republic. I was discussing the upcoming trip with a friend in an elevator with a few other people I did not know (the old Hearst offices, to be exact). I mentioned that I

In my city, all the protests are in the early evening or weekend. There hasn’t been a single one I’ve had to miss work for. I’m also self employed so it’s easier for me than for some others. My airport protest yesterday had an estimated 500 attendees. And my city is a little dot of blue in a sea of red larger than a

If we change the balance of power at the midterms, we can stop some of this crap, right? Let’s try to get our lazy asses to the polls for the first time Tuesday, Nov 6, 2018. Put it on your calendar now.