
Seriously, no need to crawl back into some hole just because you didn’t get that music video. It’s fucking ridiculous. And gay. Ridiculously gay! No offense to gay people.

Wait, is that “Jane Doe” t-shirt a preexisting shirt that Life Is Strange chose to use, or did that cosplayer make it custom for the cosplay?

Not nearly enough games have gigantic bitchin’ airships anymore. Are you listening Square Enix?

There is a broader picture to look at, for one the PC gaming industry has exploded compared to the XBone and PS4 and there’s the manufacturing improvements over in the smartphone industry that makes consoles hardware overpriced within two years (yet feeds into PC hardware directly, hence PCs getting cheaper).

Gaming didn’t get started on the PC.

They’re coming. All the angry PC vs Consoles people. *hides*

I’d argue Kotaku definitely fucked up in certain regards. Lack of disclosure was a huge thing that bothered a lot of people including me.

GamerGate’s specific goals are by nature impossible to define

both?... <_<

200 million dollars is a pretty modest budget. I’m sure it’ll gross some sort of profit.

I am not a Star Wars fan but I love what they are doing with this. Looks faithful to the original, the CGI doesn’t seem obnoxious, and honestly, with the price they paid and the director, I expect this to be excellent. Looks faithful to the source material not just in setting but in cinematography and props and I am

Chewy hasn’t aged a day

Looks decent! I question the studio’s decision to release one week ahead of a big studio movie like “Alvin and the Chipmunks: Road Chip”, but I think this movie will do OK for itself. Not sure if it’s mainstream enough to be a huge hit though.

It’s still early in the season, but this is my favorite show so far. The characters are so awkward sometimes, in a very relatable way. And Goda’s reactions to different pastries are hilarious. I can’t wait to see how their friendship develops (and blossoms into love, I guess).

Love the manga and love the anime! Best romance in a while!

I fucking love this show, it’s terribly cute and Takeo is hella adorable.

/SLI setup with 980s.

Hardly a valid point. A Bulldozer running over your mother in law is a better love story than Twilight.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Steam forums make Gamefaqs boards seem like reasonable discussion.