
My brother had a unique issue a few years ago...

I’ve been building PC’s for *many* years now, and all my experience tells me this should have been *impossible*... But, every now and then, when my brother would boot up his PC... It would “run faster.” I can’t explain it, exactly, but when he would click his start menu,


URGH, I didn’t know about this, and I JUST uninstalled ACIV after installing it on my new laptop just for Freedom Cry.

Now I have to reinstall a game I really enjoyed.


Lazlow trumps all. I don’t think I spent more than an hour listening to music in all of the GTA games. Talk radio with Lazlow is where it’s at. #fernandosnewbeginnings

You have posted more articles today than Kotaku does with a full staff.

Sometimes a duck is just a duck.

When did YOU?

Slap an R18 rating on it, it's all good.

How incredibly stupid, pointless, and unwanted.

Based just on that first gif this game is banned in australia


I remember when the game first came out, it had this impressively bad bug. If you tried to do a game on the easiest difficulty, more than half of the time the computer players wouldi mmeidately resign.


Microsoft supporting a fan based creation for a game that’s over 15 years old?

Just.. Just take my wallet man, take it all!

- Maya Angelou

that's too bad, I would say it's better than most other memes.

You should make that an article, pal. (Seriously. Sounds quite interesting.)

When I was in the third grade I was hospitalized for 12 days from my first major ulcerative colitis flare up. Aside from the searing pain and chronic bleeding, it was pretty damn fun because my dad would stop by the local blockbuster and pick up nearly all of the used N64 games they had for sale.

“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”