
I’m pretty sure this guy is getting fired. Stating that you hate your job this officially is a sure fire way of making HR know you don’t belong. This whole story sounds really tragic and I hope thinks work out for him.

What practical application would corporate Nintendo have for this kind of thing? None?

Hey this is me! Anyway you could put my real name and not my reddit user name?

I think we need less use of "Perfect" in these titles.

I’d take that extremely unlikely event as the video game version of a bird pooping on your head. It’s a sign of good luck!

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Will these include the original, pre-lucas meddling versions? That’s pretty much the only version of the original trilogy I’m interested in at this point.

haha, i just pictured this like someone trying to decide between hiring Deadpool or Wolverine for a job, and they are arguing their cases.

PC will push the limit even further.

Still, better than giving you a voice.

Sounds like a story about a transgender taking advantage of a drunk guy and date raping him.

Good job, Obsidian! I’m glad this story ends peacefully and well.

No he's 100% right about the L-sound. There is no such thing as "somewhere between R and a L".... except in Japanese and languages that can't pronounce a hard R.

This is about how “Boruto” looks odd in English. ボルト is not “weird” in Japanese. It’s okay, fine, whatever. But for the same reason why the Nintendo character “Luigi” is not written as “Ruiiji” in English (in Japanese, he is ルイージ, which is literally, “Ruiiji”), it makes more sense to write this character’s name as

Imagine if we could get the whammy bar to act as the sword slash :D

Guitar Hero controller blindfolded pebble-only run.

BruiserCruiser- my psn name. I have 1 of each class @ 32 with Ghally. You know you want to add me to your list buddddddy :D

“Pro-tip: blue lightbar is player one, red is player two, green is player three, and pink is player four.”

LOL! I thought the exact same thing, I can't imagine a tomboy in a miniskirt T____T (I speak from personal experience, haven't worn a skirt since HS graduation, Nerts to all that hot mess >_<) , but you can only ask for so much from designers. Have a girl not dress "sexy" that is pure heresy! How would they obtain the

Tomboy , a girl who dresses and acts like a boy. SHES WEARING A FUCKING DRESS.