
Ooh I know the game you’re trying to play... is it called “is this a safe space?”

Borderline clickhole.

How to be a useless member of society while patting yourself on the back for bringing about ‘radical change’

This article is in really poor taste, and belongs on a game and nerd culture site less then any other in recent memory.

Is this for real? Here’s a couple.

this almost reads like an onion article

Or just take your switch. Oh wait, the people at these protest cant afford them!!!!

How is the scoring done on “The Biggest Taboo” when everyone in the group is a penniless Hippy?

Is this a joke? Fucking what?

I guess this would be interesting a few years ago, just not anymore.

Your opening statement that is, not the gadget.

Lets hope we can get down to Mattis.

Honestly, if the Dems take back any part of Congress we’d probably be fine. Part of the problem with Trump now is that there is no one to put the brakes on him. His party controls the entire federal government and most state governments; he can do whatever he wants and as long as he doesn’t actively break the law he

This is why you actually want a new pipeline. Newer pipelines tend to leak less than the old ones.

Protesting is useless and protestors deserve whatever foul thing happens to them. I won’t shed one tear for them.

Ok, I understand that basically everyone at Gizmodo and most of the world hates Trump. I hate most of his policies and how he constantly lies and his supporters still believe him. However, using biased terms like “lair” in the headline to describe Trump’s living space isn’t helping your case. It makes you sound petty

“Look, this is obviously a circus,” one anonymous person close to the situation told Recode. “Everyone in tech just wants to be invisible right now when it comes to this administration, but has to participate since we have done it before.”

Agreed. Even Huffington Post dropped their ridiculous editor’s note they had on every Trump article. It was cute in a sophomoric high school sort of way the first time and then the fact that they did it through the whole campaign just became embarrassing for them. Either you’re a news organization or you’re the

I thought Gizmodo was past the whiny stage. Even those of us who agree are only getting more depressed. This kind of editorializing serves no useful purpose.

Not gonna lie, he’s succeeding in what he promised, though. He promised to punch China in the face, and he’s done that a couple times and seems to intend to keep doing it, and he’s succeeding in keeping American jobs from going overseas, albeit with some dirty deals. And that he hasn’t even started office yet is the