
Yeah graphics nerfing is 1,000x worse than like, a militaristic state with no freedom.

Lift an image from forum

That's it?

My GF does this with almost all my games, although she usually pipes in with

I was playing the game as my wife came in. She just looked at me, sighed, and walked away.

Favorite headline of the week goes to Luke Plunkett.
Did you pat yourself on the back after you wrote that one? Because you should've.

this fucking game

is this even something worth reporting anymore? how many does this make in the last 12 months alone, never mind the past 5 years or so

Makes my shop contest entry all the better.

Warning: There is a Twitch embed at the bottom. It autoplays, so you'll have to scroll to the bottom and pause it quickly! Sorry, nothing we can do.

Why is it not possible for some people to write without using profanity? Seriously, all you Gawker scions need to grow up a little and learn that swearing a feeble attempt to imbue gravitas into writing that the person is too unskilled to obtain through actual talent.

Swearing is the resource of a 6th grader. Act

The narrative is that it was a tsunami, so natural causes. Nuking their cities would have been a total Ghandi move.

Awwh, it's so cute when Blender newbs learn new terms and throw them out to sound like they know what they're talking about.

Valve has modding guidelines for matching DOTA 2's style, lore, and theme, so I doubt this one will be seen outside local game clients. Still, we can hope, right? And given all the unexpected attention Faceful Void has received, maybe Valve will have a change of heart and add him to the game themselves.

To be fair, it was created to settle bar bets, not be a record of humanity's greatest achievements.

Once you've seen this GIF, there's no reason to watch the stream. It's exactly the same. ;)

U don't solve world hunger, Wii solve world hunger.

This far from April 1st, the popularity of zombie rail shooters in arcades, the popularity of 'Bonus Zombie Modes' in main stream games, and the fact that this is already an arcade shooting game? Just seems like a logical progression to suck more quarters out of players to me.