I go with Type-Oh.
I go with Type-Oh.
I don't see what's so weird about Disney and Star Wars together. They've had the Star Tours for decades now, they've had collaboration merchandise over the years, and they hold celebrations at the theme parks.
Wow, it's like a home new world!
Now this is an article.
I will buy this, hoping I can invite friends over to play.
Oh, I thought this was just another "navigate the corridors in a floaty ship without hitting the walls" game... which had me on a serious "meh" note. Knowing that it's actually something deeply elaborate, where I have to adjust controls Star Trek style, has propelled me to get this as a day-1 purchase.
The condom wrapper?
I'm so confused by why anyone would call this racist? Even BOH employees who AREN'T native Spanish speakers curse in Spanish.
I used to work at an Lebanese owned Italian restaurant, and a Mexican restaurant staffed almost entirely of black guys and white lesbians (myself included). Good ol' US of A!
Whoa, Salisbury is on that map. Who knows or cares about Salisbury?
Have you not worked in a restaurant? I mean, truthfully, I've only worked in restaurants in the Southwest (which has a large Latino population), but that's just what happens in the kitchen and dishwashing station. Spanish and Spanglish cursing, usually at customers, but also at FOH employees and most often towards one…
They never said we couldn't make fun of them.
Back in my day, we called it Ice 3.
Thank you for that.