
Why people feel the need to tell others what to do with their stances is kind of weird and quite stupid. xD Also, you sure like to make alot of negative topics.

I think they just need more practice.

While the challenges of game development are real, the BS comes when you explain how amazing your new game engine is while using it as an excuse for why you can't put base features into the game.

What did they explain exactly? They said they focused on other things and the game is being released unfinished. Just because you add more stuff (which is what a sequel is supposed to be) doesn't mean you take out core things from previous games like a pool. Delay the game and FINISH the game.

I never understood why sims couldn't get out by climbing out of the side of the pool. It's not like you really NEED a ladder or steps to get out. Anyone who's owned a swimming pool has probably pulled themselves out by the side at some point rather than swim across the pool to access a ladder.

Soooo new game tech is so new and awesome, it can't handle old features?

I applaud Simon for having the guts to say this publicly. Bicyclists in my city are a complete nuisance and regularly feel that they own the road. Be it running a stop light/sign, swerving across 4 lanes of traffic while talking on their phone or general lack of awareness, it's a complete pain in the ass for

Yeah, I found this weird until I remembered I routinely never touch the single player for some FPSes I play.

omg charge the battery its gonna go flat soon

Wait, what? "'Nintendo' is an adjective, not a noun"? That's so Nintendo.

Nooo that's why you always save your JPEG as a copy!

They've been doing this since before 2000, calm your self and do some fact checking

All right, here's a jpeg version. We cool?

We will have only ourselves to blame.

Does I win?

But he's really making the potato salad.

The sad part will be people trying to imitate this joke, not realizing it was only funny the first time. Like all those Goat Simulator clones.

Pool Murders


Oh, yeah. Maybe you guys here at Kotaku aren't hardcore Simmers, but speaking as one, the entire Sims community is raring right now because they took everything that they gave us on Sims 2 and 3. Sims 4 is basically screaming "there will be thousands of DLC for stuff that should be in the base game".