
It's never Lupus.

I'm so sad it's over. I tried to log on last night, and it was like NOPE YOU'RE DONE and I was like NO BUT REALLY I'M NOT.

It's lupus once, then never again.

Jesus fuck, I seriously wondered if some of this was trolling. There's no source on the 'yaoi' backronym and I thought it had gone out of fashion years ago. Just go with BL for god's sake. Utena isn't a yuri. Loveless isn't BL. (Utena is a shoujo/magical girl genre debunker, and Loveless is shoujo/sci-fi with

Little Timmy was suspended for 52 weeks. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.

Why I make my own burgers. 1/3 finely cut double smoked double thick bacon, with 2/3rds extra lean beef...... Two patties with cheese in the middle! Slow cooked and so yummy!

I have a question. I'm asking on this article because it has only 1 other reply atm. Who and how does gizmodo/sploid make their gifs? They're so fluid, not to mention at such a nice resolution. If anyone could answer, at least with a name of who does them, that'd be great.

Is this a recycled post?

Yeah, that guy's a total jerk, amirite?

Yeah he sounds like a huge jerk.

My mom once told me that carrots would give me X-ray vision. Are you calling my mom a liar?

There are definitely Media Studies out there. I have a degree specifically in Radio-TV-Film Production but a part of those classes is learning to be critical about the media. For example, my fave class was called: It's Not TV, it's HBO and it's a class where we talked about the history of the channel, the content of

How much did it cost them to send these takedown notices? How much would it have cost to buy the domain?

Another company that doesn't know how the internet works.

Not completely safe for work.

Who cares, because...expresso!

May I suggest?..

There is a limit to the size of a screen relative to your peripheral vision. What I mean is, if you use an IMAX theatre screen for your monitor, you won't be able to effectively use the user interface if it's distorted on your peripheral vision. Imagine having to turn your head to look at different parts of a web

I agree. Disclaimer: the only Disney films I like now that I'm 24 are Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood, and Swiss Family Robinson.