
I don't understand this. Is this an advertisement or do we just not know anything about the tablet yet?

Just throwing this out there, but would that superscary bacteria be immune to the heat involved in properly cooking the calamari in question? Not trolling, genuinely curious.

How is it a fake outrage? It's not like the news is just making this up, I know plenty of real people who are upset about the continued lack of women in big name games. Especially when the developers use half-assed excuses like these.

I would.

I think these would be perfect as a replacement for my Wired 360 Controller for PC.

no really... i literally forgot about that game until reading this article. none of my friends play it. i traded it in after two weeks of owning it and only playing a couple hours. it was slated to be the next CoD for the next generation. nope. i wonder if there is still enough interest in the game to warrant a show.

oh yeah, titanfall! i remember that game... i think!

Why would the guy in charge of Xbox want to dress like Justin Beiber?

I just bought this robot script writer today. It's vintage.

I like cats, even though im allergic. Not relevant but I like these comics :)

Exactly, these animals are their livelihood and treating them well is all part of getting a good end product. Also, even my 85lb german shepherd barely flinches if she head butts me right in the forehead while I'm fearing a big bruise. A 1/2 ton animal can take a lot more.

I mean, the funny thing is that not all of these are completely unbelievable.

Of course, right? It's so easy to be ready for a deadly impact when an out of control elevator is going up at blinding speed and you don't know what the hell is going on. Everyone should be ready for such an eventuality. I'm sure you would have survived—you seem really smart!

I have an old ATM in my basement, it had been upgraded so many times they finally retired it, and I use it as a safe (that's what is behind the decorative plastic front).

I find that most people with this viewpoint (which they're entitled to) have never been within 50 feet of a live cow/bull/calf/steer. They see a calf get branded and think that it is equivalent to what happens when human skin gets burned. They're skin is what becomes leather. Leather. I gave shots to calves much

There's nothing to worry about. Films and TV shows will always be written accordingly, regardless of how technology actually works.

I don't hate the gamepad per se, but there's no way I'm going to buy a Wii U at it's current price of ~$300 (I know the price fluctuates based on HD size, bundled games, etc.). I think the bare bones version is $250. IMO, that's way too much for a secondary or tertiary game platform that, for the most part, is