
I wish Kotaku ran more like Gawker (or Deadspin). In the sense that Gawker posts a lot of shit that's been wiped from the internet, so to speak (even the despicable stuff). Because I missed whatever was posted.

You're overthinking it: it was set up eons ago that McCoy got his nickname from Kirk when they met. We just never saw it on-screen until now, and it happened differently in their original meeting apparently. Yet the results are the same.

I've been a Star Wars fan my entire life - that line is apparently ingrained into my mind.

Lighten up, Francis.

I'm glad you brought this to my attention, well everyone's attention. I do find it ironic, in a funny way, that at the end of the article we find...

I look out the window or walk outside. Usually the native (also the common sense) in me can pick up rain hours away. If I need to plan ahead any further I ask my phone for a forecast.

"Then one day you go to your friend's house and, by chance, you discover that he has been storing your private conversations, your photos, your videos, and basically every bit of personal info you share with him. Everything. Would you be creeped out? Then imagine that, on top of that, you discover that he has been


Oh MAN Nathan, this solves a mystery I've pondered for ages. In the movie The Rocketeer (which, I don't care who you are, is the best movie ever made), Cliff crashes into the "HOLLYWOODLAND" sign on a test flight, destroying the last 4 letters to leave "HOLLYWOOD." As a six-year-old, I pestered my parents incessantly

Maybe in some circles, but not generally.

Honestly, I hope they use that name, that's actually clever.

Kindle Ember maybe? Like a downsized version of a Fire.

Kindle Flint

Kindle Gasoline?

Kindle Match?

How do you use tablets?

I will crush yer bones in my carr-buretor! Which is under my hood, yo!

"Well that degenerated quickly."