
"I'm a man... Dressed like a bat."

It was a hard choice – but I'll be sleeping instead.

I remember a news story about an old lady who was chopping at wires and cut off the Internet of an entire nation! I forget the details though.

Why would anyone do this?

Not about the installing an app or watching something online – but why would anyone watch the Superbowl?

(I'm trolling, I'm trolling! This is true for me and similar people, but not everyone, I know! ^^)

It's the Big Apple. There will be better projections in the future.

You know those '50 fact videos' from Buzzfeed?

Yea, this kind of article is way better.

Arts... Kid you say? More like art major! I got a BFA in art. Next is a MFA - Master's of Fine Arts.

Mores. Not Moves. With an r. You lost me because you didn't know what the word meant.

Also, I said, "Here is the problem" (Emphasis added.)

I love this whole formatting business! Also, do you read XKCD by any chance? I pattern some of my internet interactions after the white beret guy.

So you did read it! You just claimed you didn't read it so you could attempt to anger me. Attempts to anger me humor me.

In the context of the post we're talking about exactly what I said in the message you replied to. I used the most legalistic exact terminology that I was able to.

Did you watch the second video, the one where she cried? She looked rather beautiful in that one.

Here is the problem – we're not discussing your views on beauty, but on the perceived change and the actual change in the context of South Korean societal mores.

The concept behind Facebook is useful. If we're going to have an internet, something will fill the roll it fills.

On Poke: "Haven't touched it since."

Haha. Haven't touched it. Poke!

My mom and a few other people 'poke' me. I, uh, don't respond. I will call my mom though!

Exactly! Take the shortcuts that you can, while keeping the spirit of your work. If they painted over a screenshot – effectively a projection – It was still the artist's brush stroke.

For example: I make sketchbooks. Instead of measuring out inches and such, I'll open an indesign document and design the book size so I

They have been using projectors FOR A LONG TIME. Camera obscura was used way back when on paintings, starting around the 16th century.

Half of the video is his advertisement.

Isn't it a fun thought? We'll hamstring our own intelligence communities while the countries that don't like us won't do such a thing. Do you think China will ask it's equivalent of the NSA to stop spying on American and itself? Russia? Iran? Australia?

The sad thing about Battlefield Earth was how good the book was.

I remember thinking in the movie, "A Harrier wouldn't last 1,000 years." Then I read the book – where it described all of the old airplanes as rotting.