
So I typed this reply and I deleted it or something, but also I'll add this: I know I'm giving lots of extra option ideas, just do what you're able to. I'm just trying to help you know what the process is like so the program can work better. Oh, and options to do everything on or off is very good. Some people, like

Is this legal?

I don't know what country she's from, and I'm not looking it up.

Would it make a difference if my phone is rooted? I can gain access to directories and such.

Wow! You're the best! I was just thinking how everyone has the ability to make art, and the second example I thought of was programmers making a program. It isn't always a visual thing that's an art, often times it's something that works in the way it should.

Totally messing with you! Do you ever read XKCD? Know the white hat guy?

Most likely its ok! The ink is very, very oil based. Most places where skin oil is be is because they're trying to prevent a mark being made on paper, but in this case you're trying to make a mark on paper! I could image a gross art project where you'd use your own oils to make a print... But maybe I don't want to.

Well, even printmakers who don't use their hands for wiping might not wear gloves, they use a rag or something. But at the end of the wiping they want to wipe the ink on the plate as smooth as they can get it. At this point in the video, she wiped with her hands. I've wiped the plate for this print with my hand,


Grab your iPhone.

Take a photo.

Slap said photo to light sensitive paper.

Develop that paper in b/w chem. (Or color if you're so inclined.)

Feel silly that the image is inverted because you followed my directions closely.

Take photo of the printed image and post to instagram.


DUDE. You're the best! Yes it's serious! When I was making those I was iOS, but now I'm android, does that matter? And really, the hard part was the timer. Not for you, but for me. I can do the image work: invert colors, lighten the inverted image, and so on. But I'd have to: load the image away from the light

Watch the video. I'm impressed. Like any good printmaker, she's using her hand to wipe the plate.

This process isn't that hard, it's just takes time and the right mindset. After printing a plate over and over you know how to wipe it to get perfect prints. Nothing matched the palm of my hand to remove the excess in in

Don't worry! We're not Yahoo Answers. We believe you.

I've done that with a smart phone before. It was fun.

I also edited the image to compensate for the brightness of the screen. Someday I want to see someone make an app that will do all of that: Turn off the screen, invert the image, turn on the screen, and then turn it off after the timer goes off.

If it wasn't for you, I'd think I was on Lifehacker or something!

I'm looking for an android tablet. Samsung has me sold on a physical home button,and I need — NEED — miniSD. Also, 8ish inches. Do you guys have any recommendations besides the Galaxy series, anyone besides Samsung? More than likely I'll go with a Galaxy something... But still. There may be something out there.

"retrain" should be "refrain". Silly fingers.

Personally, I don't retrain myself. I just refrain from buying the things that aren't good for me than I'll eat alot of. Also, I cook healthy meals at home – think spinach with meat with other veggies. When I say 'moderation' I really more mean lifestyle. Moving around and such.

That's sad!

I have some friends with different dietary requirements. I don't really get why, but my stomach accepts everything except for fresh tomatoes. (bleh.) One, she just found out that medically she needs to be gluten free. My sister is allergic to beer. An old girlfriend is allergic to nearly every single

I love whole milk. I grew up on it. In fact, I'm going to buy some now.

Maybe the key with eating the things you love is moderation and not being stupid?