
This looks bad because the photo is bad.

That isn't a thing.

Game of what? I've not heard of this before.

Remember the block all Apple News or Block all Election coverage?


Can we have that for Game of Thrones? I don't watch MTV. (Or HBO)

I think people would be able to appreciate this if they understood art better, and the point of art. So, I'm going to give a quick and dirty lesson on different points of art. I wrote this for something else, but it will work here too.

First, some back story that even those putting back the sauce can understand. There

Oh, and the circles change size based on how long the mouse rests in one spot!

I remember using it years and years ago. I'm sure I have the photos somewhere...

I've used this before. It's nifty.

Gosh. Now, though, you have to remind people that libraries are great for books.

What's the name of the game with the kid?

And, sorry I'm not searching teh interwobs for it. I'm about to go work on cleaning the ceramics room for the last class at my University.

Find an old HD. Fill it with photos. Copy the photos over and over till it's full.

Something with an hour of silence and a blank screen.

Sure, they're getting better. But that's what – .03% of all subbed anime?

I hate Lavi's voice in English.

Enligsh dubs are never good after you hear the Japanese. I used to love the English version of Last Exile, until I heard it in Japanese.

I really like the Mass Effect series.

Why have there been like 40 billion Mass Effect articles? Can we have a "No mass effect" articles link, or something? Like the no politics link.

What's this thrones thing?

The Hagia Sophia wasn't always a Mosque.

It runs 8bit Crysis.