
In anything Ars vs. Giz, Ars wins.


This is surprisingly satisfying.

In the first one, I wanted ANYONE to kill Hope.

You're beautiful.

If you ask how this is art, you don't understand art.

I love the gif.

It doesn't bother me. Most of the time I use it to find people, "My friends who are friends with Nicole" and then further redefine to find who I'm looking for.

Can you play this game offline?

Also, she lowers your IQ while you watch.

Hopefully not.

If I like this image, does it throw off the stats?

They're putting form over function.

I can't stand to watch the video because of the woman narrating it.

No one would notice your recording their conversation with you AT ALL.

Oh, whatevs. It's Windows Metriod Squares Tiles

I'm talking about Windows Mobile, silly.