
Bla bla bla bla = your post.

Maybe! I haven't played the game – I plan to buy a used PS3 for this purpose.

I submit that is what makes it awesome: I could be found in a regular clothing store, but isn't.

So how is this different than the Kotaku box?


What about resharpening it, and then continuing to use it?

Thank you for using a semicolon; it's appreciated.

The comments here aren't as rude as I was expecting. His post is a bit too spiritual for my tastes, I prefer calls to create rather that calls to find my soul. Still, I'm glad he is writing as I know people need stuff like that.

What about... earthquakes?

So, you're saying that back then, RO2 had similar issues?

Wait, what? What does a FPS have to do with this?

Virtual Boy! I remember some jet game that I loved when I was in middle school. We found the virtual boy in our bathroom, and it must have belonged to those who lived in my childhood home before us. I think we gave up on it with the Christmas gift of the Playstation 1.

Am I the only one that sees some kind of Mass Effect ship?

A sunset patch would be nice now.

Yes, but there is a concept all of these people don't understand. Disney makeup artists and personal trainers are going to attack her. Don't worry about how she looks now for the movie, more than likely she'll look great.

You know, they take 'overweight' and older actors all the time and make them look better for the screen.

Ohhh. Well, in my defense I only watched around 15 seconds of the video as the tiny version!