
What color wheel is that from? It's photoshop, but is that a new tool?

If you want to eek out even more performance, take a look at version 1.4 of gamebooster. (Don't upgrade, the upgrade is crippled unless you buy it.) You can also stop things running in taskmanager, and kill extra services. (I learned what scvhost.exe is last night after I wanted to get rid of services. In effect, it

Well, yes. This is very true, and why I'll get a SSD/hybrid first. And then get the Ram.

I agree, my next purchase will be either a SSD or a hybrid for that purpose. Currently, I have a 7200 RPM drive as the scratch drive.

Do you use photoshop? I have a tutorial that can help computers with lower amounts of Ram by separating out the stitching proccess. It's here - Photoshop tutorial; red pill method

I keep an eye on the Task Manager's memory and processor graphs. Because of that, I know that while a better CPU would be cool, I need 32GB of ram, rather than 16GB. (I'm doing graphics and panorama stitching, not gaming. When a panorama is being stitched, I regularly hit the 16GB limit.)

What are the possibilities of the internet? (Please don't mention 'chan)

You're cute.

Then, coat it with some heavy paint to protect your clothes.

What kind of costs are in the Free to play part of this? (I.E. what would I need to pay to have a better time, economically?)


Can you add a mini sd to it?

I wish the camera was a bit better.

Twitter users aren't happy in Louisiana.

Sometimes the link to the image isn't usable by Google.

Thank you.

Get an 85mm, both Canon and Nikon have great 1.8fs.

He's commenting that it's hard to read. Your comment is the odd one, rather than his.

It would be so much fun to be on that ship right now.

(It sounds like many of commenters are from Gizmodo and Gawker in general.)