
I saw a post someone made talking about their job reading scripts, and how they regularly come across phenomenal original scripts, or stories about people they’ve never heard of, etc. But the studios don’t want that stuff because there’s too big of a risk that it won’t become a hit. They want the same thing that was a

But how can you generate ever-greater value for the stock owners and bigger and bigger bonuses for company leadership if you start handing out piles of precious money to the rank and file employees...?

Reminds me of how minor league baseball players actually got team-purchased housing, after decades of five dudes cramming into one bedroom spots, when someone put the math on social that the money it would cost to house and provide for their players was on par with a single veteran player.

I tried going back through twitter to find where I saw it, but someone broke down the actual cost of the WGA demands per each studios respective most recent profits...and the HIGHEST was 0.1%, most were well under that.

Stunning isn’t even apt, the level of disgusting, blatantly offensive greed here is truly astounding.

There was a Guardian article that tallied up all the wage increases being requested, and it came up to like $500 million. Compared to over $200 billion in profit across the industry, that equates to half a percent. That’s all the hit in profits they’d need to take in order to end the strikes.

It’s 100% about control.

It’s HIPAA, not HIPPA.

You seem at least somewhat confused by the usage of the acronym. Lemme help you out.
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPPA - HIPAA, but spelled incorrectly

You largely see the latter in weird twitter arguments from creepy anti-vax idiots, which makes it a generally undesirable spelling to use,

You even spell out what HIPAA stands for before calling it HIPPA a bunch of times.  You know they aren’t two different things, right?  HIPPA is just HIPAA, spelled wrong.

It’s wild to me that the Executives decided to pick a fight with people who are literal household names, who are popular and well liked with the general public and who are incredibly skilled at presenting speeches and performances that are designed to get emotional responses from audiences.

It’s a snack for a Horta.

There’s not going to be much left to recover tbh

Without mods the subreddits would be unreadable spam. And that would cause people to not visit. Which would cause Reddit to crater. So sorry but the CEO is in the wrong here. He seems to forget how Reddit got so large. But if he wants to keep fucking around he’s going to find out. Someone will build a new Reddit and

It’s not so much a "rescue" as a recovery operation. Unless the sub is still cruising around, it very likely sank below crush depth and imploded. They did not feel any pain though; the collapse happens in milliseconds, to fast for nerve signals to reach the brain.

Funny how those who actually have access to healthcare, never seem to make use of it. Despite clearly needing it.

She’s obviously in the midst of a severe mental break. She’s saying that her reality doesn’t have anything to do with real actual observed reality. Its obviously a desperate cry for someone to get her some help. Even with her millions she’s obviously still struggling to find affordable mental healthcare. Which, sure,


Now playing

Hopefully they’ll work in some PSAs, you know, for the kids.