
... or maybe this is an actual problem worthy of reporting, since people could die as a result, or is kissing Musk’s ass worth overlooking it?

Yeah that or maybe the cybertruck is a hilarious heap of hot garbage that deserves to be laughed at every minute of the day and then some.

We’ll never know.

Could be. I’d wager it has more to do with Elon’s career as a carnival-barking huckster foisting poorly-designed death traps on the public as innovation.

I was thinking more of suing the deep pockets of Nvidia.

And if they don’t get the cancers from the trip there, they’ll get the cancers when they’re there.

“Space .... is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.

RTO is about real estate. If people work from home, then there’s no justification for massive office rental payments in the centre of big cities.

LOL! Of course they did. Morons.

Sub-100 IQs vote to work against their best interest.  Huh.

I was going to say more or less the same thing. 80% of this money is going to vanish with zero improvements to production or transmission infrastructure and I still feel like I’m lowballing that percentage.

Texans vote in favor of giving more money to fossil fuel and making it harder to actually fix the grid (because it’s cannot be used for anything renewable to include energy storage).

I look forward to our elected officials using these funds to reward their campaign contributors or give fat contracts to their friends and family. Not holding my breath if it turns out the grid gets fixed for “red” areas but not much was done for the “blue” areas of Texas.

why did the NHS shut down the Tavistock clinic?

I know a few former Tesla engineers. They report that Tesla under-pays and over-works their engineers. Tesla limits itself to the desperate bottom of the barrel ‘talent’.

The doors seem kinda neat but are they really a next-level innovation or just cool kitchen cabinet tech from 15 years ago adapted for autos?

Reading this and all I could think of is “The Andromeda Strain”.

Or just fucking show it because transphobes are assholes and you don’t need to concern yourself with their feelings.

Do it, Elon. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

In 1978 my cousin lost twins who were both over 4 pounds.  Their lungs were not developed enough to survive.   And you are right, under 2 pounds wouldnt have had a chance 

I’m kind of shocked that all the attention in the comments is on the tech beef between the two channels, while Madison literally talked about how she committed self-harm due to the toxic workplace, and no one here is talking about that