
Could you simp any harder for Musk here?

Also, an insane number of Americans are driving around with suspended licenses.

It’s been a while since I lived there, but there are (or were) a lot of reservoirs in northern NJ that the citizens couldn’t access the water. Mainly due to the fact that said reservoirs supplied NYC.

Sadly, it will probably be tangled up in lawsuits right up until another Republican administration, House and Senate kill it off for good.

Glad to see I wasn’t the only one thinking that!

Very true. There’s only been one group and one political party that has actively been using the words civil war and thinking of ways to move us from the nation we’ve been to a fascist or authoritarian regime.

The problem is too many people are willing to buy into Musk’s science-fiction bullshit rather than realize that things have to be fixed here.

I would wonder what would happen if we had a Carrington event level of solar storms.  While it wouldn’t affect most ‘hardened’ electrical systems, it would probably cause a lot of issues.

And once you can’t own your games anymore, the march of enshitification will ensure that you’ll get worse and worse while simultaneously costing more and more. See: literally every industry.

This remake of The Andromeda Strain is kind of boring.

Tech bros won’t be happy until they get their literal slave work force, and women are returned to the level of chattel. The fact that they keep pushing their belief that the world should be run by men (white men, obviously) and men only, says volumes about the world they want to live in.  One where everyone other than

It’s also one reason why they so want to be able to basically steal the likenesses of actors and actresses, so that they only have to pay them once, and then can use their digital likeness ad infinitum.

That would be perfect, especially since both take place on the Forgotten Realms. Hell, throw in some characters from the Icewind Dale novel series as well.

I’m of the mind that if the Texans who vote for this bullshit truly believe that anything will be done to fix the states energy sector, then they sure as hell have no right to complain when their power continues to fail because the power companies continue to screw them over (since they won’t do anything with these

Or solidifying the scientists entire volume of blood.

Yeah, saw that little snippet and thought the same thing.

As a member of Gen X, we did not use Groovy or Right On.  That would have been the Boomers.

Also, if this had happened in 1955, it’s almost 100% doubtful that she would have survived, (being only a pound and a few ounces). There was nothing like a NICU in any hospitals at that time, and most fetuses that were pre-born at that early a stage died within minutes (as there was nothing the doctors could do to

What’s worse is that they didn’t even do due diligence to find out who they auctioned it off to (not that they should have in the first place). It could have been won by a competitor who would have had access to another company’s IP for literal pennies.

Just a stunning amount of greed on the studios’ part. Pure capitalism-induced brain rot.