
Wow, if that’s what he was fired for, that’s some extremely thin skin.

I don’t think it’s “allegations” any more when Kotick had to dole out money and the feds and CA state had the goods.

Gizmodo is not linking to social media posts containing graphic images of the shooting.”

Fuck this ‘respect the dead’ shit when we don’t even respect the LIVING.

Post the pics. Show what guns do to people who planned to get home for dinner and never do.

He really is a dick. Also, he’s my favorite droid over all the Star Wars properties. 

True. But instead of all of us waiting for the next thing that may or may not actually be useful; Dorsey’s gambit might actually be good.

-I feel like Data’s 35 year character arc was to finally become...Brent Spiner. Hell. Yes. Hello chair.

“Congratulations @elonmusk on pulling this historical launch!”

Henry Cavill left The Witcher due to the showrunners/writers having no respect for the original source material, he signed on for The Witcher, not something Witcher-like. Only some nobody podcaster was spewing rumors about his behavior, probably to get publicity. The showrunner herself denied the podcaster's garbage.

I’ve seen Shatner live a few times, and each time he’s seemed progressively more like a parody of himself. 

The Hot Zone sent teenage Kerberos824 down a strange rabbit-hole of pandemic books and research. It was pretty fascinating. And gave me an early appreciation for sorting hyperbole from fact. 

Yes, new housing is more expensive than old housing”

Just look at how the world economy is hurting from Covid...imagine how destroyed the economies of the world would be if 30% of the population died.

While I always loved Outbreak, its more modern counterpart, Contagion, was far more realistic in terms of a global pandemic. Particularly given how eerily prescient it was about the conspiracy theorists and alternative treatment angle. 

‘Don’t worry, it’s just a cold and a nosebleed.’


They mention Superman III in Office Space.

So... how long until Superman III sues Office Space for meme theft?

Someone needs to sue this over-heated Swanson dinner into oblivion.

“In the MEANTIME...”

Was Daredevil a mormon or something?