
He lied about holding his kid when they died to justify keeping Alex Jones suspended, so lying about another kid to justify suspending a different account is not unheard of

It’s just par for the course for Musk and his ilk. Bully people via the threats of lawsuits. Lawyers cost them very little (they’re probably on retainer anyway), but it costs individuals like Sweeney everything just to defend themselves against this frivolous lawsuit.

They filed suit this week. He only has money because he’s a trust fund baby and was lucky with timing when he launched PayPal. Same with Tesla. During this time WaaWaa Elon was surrounded by wonderful advisors and he listened. Then baby Musk’s ego kicked in. Somehow the Government feel it cool to give him a free

How convenient that right after Twitter backtracked their efforts to remove Elonjets’ visibility, there was a “stalker” after him. What are the odds, despite all the information Musk provided-that-totally-isn’t-doxxing, no one ever finds this person because Musk paid for it to happen?

Remember the Saudi’s are a large financial backer of this.

He doesn’t just have 150 billion sitting in the bank, though. His wealth is mostly in stock, and I doubt he’s thrilled with the prospect of selling more and more of his stakes in Tesla and SpaceX just to keep paying off creditors on the brain-poison website he bought as a joke. 

So Smuckers is trying to get away with claiming trademark protection after losing their patent protection on a ‘crustless filled sandwich with a crimped edge’ after the company they sued in 2001, Albie’s Foods, Inc., produced proof that a crustless filled pocket sandwich with a crimped edge had been known as a ‘pasty’

Breitbart-Fox-WND-Infowars-NYPost, the list goes on... have been doing it for years. So propaganda and lying are now an issue?

Is this a Snowden burner account or you get paid by the post?

It sucks that he’s shilling for crypto (although not surprising), but I’m not sure I get the relevance of that to anything. He’s trapped in Russia because he revealed U.S. secrets

Nice to see he’s following his core convictions and pledging allegiance to a country renowned for human rights, transparency, openness and peaceful interaction with its neighbors.

Fan boy tears taste wonderful.

I’ve a coworker who’s a Musk devotee. I’ve tried to explain to him on several occasions how Musk is largely a grifter and conman. Watching him drive one of the biggest social media companies off a cliff like it’s a flaming Tesla is extremely funny to me. 

The teams Musk cut entirely were the teams that worked to reduce the bigotry, hatred, etc around the site, so it will start hemorrhaging users even faster as the bigots take over. He’s already complaining about how people don’t want to advertise on the site anymore.

Well they want to own Libs because they are still mad they can’t own slaves anymore.
Owning someone , even if it is a Lib, is better than owning no one in their minds.

Not believing in something unfortunately does not make it untrue. The fact is Musk initially offered to buy Twitter as a publicity stunt. Something to say “look at me and how much money I have, am I not the greatest?”. He never expected to actually have to buy it, but he took the stunt too far and now he is stuck with

Why is that so hard to believe? He NEVER has a plan! What was his plan to put us on Mars? To get an actual functioning Hyperloop in place? To have androids? To have self driving cars ready by now? To build a personal submersible for the purposes of rescuing those Thai kids? He’s a professional charlatan who has people